5th Annual
                   Winnipeg Police Service Half Marathon
                               Winnipeg, MB
                                May 3, 2009

        Chronotrack D-tag Timing by "Results Canada" - 780-416-5124

Over | Place |Place In|AgeGroup| Bib|Name                        |  CITY         |Finish |Pace  |
All  |  in   |Total   |        | Num|                            |               |  Time |Min/km|
Place|Gender |AgeGroup|        |    |                            |               |       |      |
    1   1/711    1/78   M2529    147 Micheal Booth                Winnipeg        1:08:29  3:15 
    2   2/711    2/78   M2529    408 Brian Walker                 Winnipeg        1:10:40  3:21 
    3   3/711    1/26   M2024    196 Paul Carr                    Winnipeg        1:11:05  3:23 
    4   4/711    2/26   M2024      1 Calvary De Jong              Winnipeg        1:12:58  3:28 
    5   5/711    1/100  M4044   1470 Dane Samuel                  Brandon         1:13:17  3:29 
    6   6/711    3/78   M2529   1117 Jeremy Walker                Winnipeg        1:14:16  3:32 
    7   7/711    3/26   M2024   1179 Colin Shepherd               Winnipeg        1:14:27  3:32 
    8   8/711    4/78   M2529    643 Bradley Keefe                Winnipeg        1:15:37  3:35 
    9   9/711    1/79   M3034    376 Jamie Falk                   Winnipeg        1:15:50  3:36 
   10  10/711    4/26   M2024   1468 Desire Budigoma              Winnipeg        1:17:37  3:41 
   11  11/711    1/115  M4549   1115 Rauno Ruus                   Ile Deschenes   1:22:17  3:54 
   12  12/711    5/78   M2529    555 Barret Hildebrandt           Grunthal        1:22:35  3:55 
   13   1/762    1/70   F2529   1458 Cathy Cullen                 Winnipeg        1:22:35  3:55 
   14  13/711    5/26   M2024   1147 Evan Schinkel                Steinbach       1:22:36  3:55 
   15  14/711    2/115  M4549   1058 Darcy Ready                  Wpg             1:22:40  3:56 
   16   2/762    1/44   F2024      4 Gina Tessmann                Winnipeg        1:22:56  3:56 
   17  15/711    2/100  M4044    138 Christian Bohm               Winnipeg        1:24:00  3:59 
   18  16/711    6/78   M2529    415 Les Friesen                  Steinbach       1:24:23  4:00 
   19  17/711    1/101  M3539    794 Marcel Macfarlane            Carnduff        1:24:32  4:01 
   20  18/711    7/78   M2529    325 Rich Dreger                  Winnipeg        1:24:40  4:01 
   21  19/711    6/26   M2024    772 Kevin Lohrenz                Winnipeg        1:24:58  4:02 
   22  20/711    3/100  M4044    140 Harley Boles                 Winnipeg        1:25:11  4:03 
   23  21/711    2/79   M3034    596 Christopher James            Headingley      1:25:19  4:03 
   24  22/711    2/101  M3539   1076 Anthony Rider                Brandon         1:25:45  4:04 
   25  23/711    3/101  M3539    447 Allen Gilleshammer           winnipeg        1:25:55  4:05 
   26  24/711    3/79   M3034   1102 Edgar Rosales                Winnipeg        1:25:57  4:05 
   27  25/711    4/79   M3034    686 Kevin Koenig                 Winnipeg        1:26:10  4:06 
   28  26/711    4/101  M3539    410 Jean-Paul Fradette           Winnipeg        1:26:11  4:06 
   29  27/711    5/79   M3034   1237 Michael Stocki               Winnipeg        1:27:27  4:09 
   30  28/711    4/100  M4044   1427 Mike Wood                    Dryden          1:27:29  4:09 
   31  29/711    8/78   M2529    653 John Kenny                   Winnipeg        1:27:31  4:09 
   32  30/711    5/101  M3539    669 Dale Kirk                    Winnipeg        1:27:37  4:10 
   33  31/711    1/15   M0119     60 Paul Athayde                 Winnipeg        1:27:38  4:10 
   34   3/762    2/44   F2024    453 Lacey Ginter                 winnipeg        1:27:51  4:10 
   35  32/711    5/100  M4044    910 Roger Morcilla               Winnipeg        1:27:52  4:10 
   36  33/711    6/100  M4044      7 Jimmy Anis                   Winnipeg        1:27:55  4:10 
   37  34/711    1/84   M5054   1439 Bruce Young                  Winnipeg        1:28:04  4:11 
   38  35/711    7/26   M2024   1146 Matthew Toews                Winnipeg        1:28:23  4:12 
   39  36/711    2/15   M0119    876 Andrew McNaughton            Winnipeg        1:28:26  4:12 
   40  37/711    6/79   M3034    274 Brent Czarnecki              Petersfield     1:28:58  4:13 
   41  38/711    2/84   M5054   1409 Joe Willison                 Winnipeg        1:29:07  4:14 
   42  39/711    7/100  M4044   1245 Steve Suomu                  Winnipeg        1:30:08  4:17 
   43  40/711    8/100  M4044   1171 Robert Renaud                Winnipeg        1:30:41  4:18 
   44   4/762    3/44   F2024    430 Alice Sherwin                Winnipeg        1:30:45  4:19 
   45  41/711    9/100  M4044   1313 Tim Turner                   Headingley      1:30:49  4:19 
   46  42/711    3/15   M0119    778 Marc-Andre Filz              Winnipeg        1:31:14  4:20 
   47  43/711   10/100  M4044    693 Paul Kovac                   Winnipeg        1:31:14  4:20 
   48   5/762    1/99   F4044    397 Janet Findlay                Kenora          1:31:15  4:20 
   49  44/711    7/79   M3034    791 Evan Macdonald               Winnipeg        1:31:23  4:20 
   50  45/711    8/79   M3034   1364 Graham Watson                Winnipeg        1:31:38  4:21 
   51  46/711    9/79   M3034    365 Daniel Erdolo                Winnipeg        1:31:57  4:22 
   52  47/711    9/78   M2529    795 Blair Maciura                Dauphin         1:31:59  4:22 
   53  48/711    8/26   M2024   1208 Davis Sohor Sohor            Winnipeg        1:32:03  4:22 
   54  49/711    3/115  M4549   1411 Edward Willmott              winnipeg        1:32:18  4:23 
   55  50/711   10/79   M3034    901 Brendon Mitchell             Winnipeg        1:32:27  4:23 
   56  51/711   11/79   M3034    105 Jake Bennett                 Sioux Narrows   1:32:30  4:23 
   57  52/711   10/78   M2529    389 Mark Fenske                  Winnipeg        1:32:36  4:24 
   58  53/711    6/101  M3539    782 Mike Ludwick                 Winnipeg        1:33:00  4:25 
   59  54/711   12/79   M3034   1081 Jonathan Ring                Winnipeg        1:33:01  4:25 
   60  55/711   13/79   M3034    471 Glen Gordon                  Winnipeg        1:33:01  4:25 
   61  56/711   14/79   M3034    504 Patrick Grouette             winnipeg        1:33:07  4:25 
   62  57/711    7/101  M3539    717 Corey La Berge               Winnipeg        1:33:12  4:25 
   63  58/711    3/84   M5054    748 Rick Lécuyer                 winnipeg        1:33:21  4:26 
   64  59/711    4/115  M4549    991 Gilles Paquette              winnipeg        1:33:25  4:26 
   65  60/711    8/101  M3539   1150 Rainer Schira                Brandon         1:33:37  4:27 
   66  61/711   11/100  M4044     42 Alexander Anis               winnipeg        1:33:38  4:27 
   67  62/711   12/100  M4044   1097 Paul Rogan                   Winnipeg        1:34:08  4:28 
   68   6/762    2/99   F4044   1441 Monica Young                 Winnipeg        1:34:10  4:28 
   69  63/711    9/101  M3539    341 Arthur Cordeiro              Winnipeg        1:34:34  4:29 
   70  64/711    1/274  Relay T 2125 Team Addison                 Winnipeg        1:34:34  4:29 
   71  65/711    9/26   M2024    721 Patrick Labossiere           Winnipeg        1:34:34  4:29 
   72  66/711   11/78   M2529    124 Joshua Blackbird             Winnipeg        1:34:38  4:30 
   73  67/711    4/84   M5054    628 Ronald Kaethler              Winnipeg        1:34:52  4:30 
   74   7/762    3/99   F4044    984 Andrea Paci                  Winnipeg        1:34:56  4:30 
   75  68/711   10/26   M2024    476 Justin Goulding              Winnipeg        1:34:56  4:30 
   76   8/762    1/119  F3539   1160 Stephanie Schultz            Winnipeg        1:34:59  4:31 
   77  69/711   13/100  M4044    213 Thane Chartrand              winnipeg        1:35:01  4:31 
   78  70/711   10/101  M3539   1345 Paul Wainwright              Winnipeg        1:35:20  4:32 
   79  71/711   12/78   M2529    919 Youness Moustarzak           winnipeg        1:35:34  4:32 
   80  72/711    5/115  M4549   1363 Jack Waterman                Winnipeg        1:35:37  4:32 
   81  73/711    5/84   M5054    263 David Creasy                 Winnipeg        1:35:40  4:33 
   82  74/711   15/79   M3034   1424 Michael Woleiszo             Winnipeg        1:35:44  4:33 
   83  75/711   13/78   M2529    269 Grant Cure                   Pine Falls      1:35:47  4:33 
   84  76/711   14/78   M2529    713 Neil Kulczycki               Winnipeg        1:35:48  4:33 
   85  77/711   15/78   M2529   1368 Aaron Webb                   Winnipeg        1:35:53  4:33 
   86  78/711   11/101  M3539    610 Jeffrey Johns                Winnipeg        1:35:54  4:33 
   87  79/711   14/100  M4044    432 John Gavloski                Carman          1:36:05  4:34 
   88  80/711    6/115  M4549   1362 Bruce Waterman               Winnipeg        1:36:06  4:34 
   89  81/711   15/100  M4044    706 George Kroupa                Winnipeg        1:36:09  4:34 
   90  82/711    6/84   M5054    134 John Blyth                   Brandon         1:36:19  4:34 
   91  83/711    7/115  M4549   1082 Christian Ritchot            Winnipeg        1:36:29  4:35 
   92  84/711   16/78   M2529   1189 Jeremiah Sinclair            Winnipeg        1:36:38  4:35 
   93   9/762    2/119  F3539    863 Fern McIver                  Winnipeg        1:36:39  4:35 
   94  85/711    2/274  Relay T 2228 Guess Who                    WINNIPEG        1:36:42  4:35 
   95  86/711   16/79   M3034    684 Derek Kochenash              Winnipeg        1:36:48  4:36 
   96  87/711    7/84   M5054   1263 Tim Tapley                   Winnipeg        1:37:07  4:37 
   97  88/711   12/101  M3539    873 Jason McMaster               Winnipeg        1:37:09  4:37 
   98  89/711    8/84   M5054    885 Craig Melanson               Winnipeg        1:37:13  4:37 
   99  90/711    8/115  M4549   1297 Randy Todd                   Winnipeg        1:37:16  4:37 
  100  91/711   17/78   M2529   1190 Matthew Sinnock              WINNIPEG        1:37:16  4:37 
  101  10/762    4/99   F4044   1123 Amleset Samuel               Winnipeg        1:37:19  4:37 
  102  92/711    9/115  M4549   1235 Dale Stiles                  Winnipeg        1:37:29  4:38 
  103  93/711   16/100  M4044   1452 Richard Slobodian            Winnipeg        1:37:47  4:39 
  104   1/99     3/274  Relay T 2258 Head Boy+head Girl           Winnipeg        1:37:56  4:39 
  105  94/711    4/15   M0119    954 Tanner Nicoll                MacGregor       1:38:02  4:39 
  106  95/711   11/26   M2024   1375 Greg Wernham                 Winnipeg        1:38:03  4:39 
  107  96/711    9/84   M5054   1395 John Wiebe                   winnipeg        1:38:04  4:39 
  108  97/711   10/84   M5054    758 Don Regehr                   Winnipeg        1:38:09  4:40 
  109  98/711   18/78   M2529    346 Paul Dyck                    Winnipeg        1:38:10  4:40 
  110  99/711   13/101  M3539     69 Mike Baessler                Winnipeg        1:38:10  4:40 
  111  11/762    3/119  F3539     97 Crystal Bedard               Portage la Prai 1:38:18  4:40 
  112 100/711   14/101  M3539    587 A.J. Hunter                  Winnipeg        1:38:21  4:40 
  113 101/711   15/101  M3539    584 Jason Hum                    Winnipeg        1:38:30  4:41 
  114 102/711   11/84   M5054    806 Valentino Magat              Winnipeg        1:38:36  4:41 
  115 103/711   17/100  M4044    113 Don Bevington                Winnipeg        1:38:43  4:41 
  116 104/711   12/26   M2024    799 Evan MacKenzie               Winnipeg        1:38:48  4:41 
  117 105/711   17/79   M3034    663 Jon Kilfoyle                 Winnipeg        1:38:50  4:42 
  118  12/762    1/114  F4549    225 Dawn Clark                   Winnipeg        1:39:06  4:42 
  119 106/711   10/115  M4549    708 Martin Krowina               Winnipeg        1:39:10  4:42 
  120 107/711    5/15   M0119    305 Colton Devos                 la salle        1:39:13  4:43 
  121 108/711   11/115  M4549    517 Dave Hamalainen              Winnipeg        1:39:21  4:43 
  122 109/711   12/84   M5054   1387 Ken White                    Winnipeg        1:39:28  4:43 
  123 110/711    1/32   M6064     11 Henry Marie                  Winnipeg        1:39:34  4:44 
  124 111/711   12/115  M4549     52 Murray Arnason               wpg             1:39:36  4:44 
  125 112/711    4/274  Relay T 2004 Pair- O-Medics               Winnipeg        1:39:37  4:44 
  126 113/711   18/79   M3034    703 Chris Kramp                  Winnipeg        1:39:39  4:44 
  127 114/711    1/5    M7074   1425 Edward Klassen               winnipeg        1:39:52  4:44 
  128 115/711   18/100  M4044   1019 Jean-Pierre Petit            Winnipeg        1:39:55  4:45 
  129 116/711   19/78   M2529   1358 Jonathan Warkentin           Winnipeg        1:40:03  4:45 
  130 117/711   13/115  M4549   1012 Hash Pereira                 Thompson        1:40:14  4:45 
  131 118/711   19/79   M3034    689 Darren Konyk                 Winnipeg        1:40:15  4:46 
  132 119/711   16/101  M3539   1453 Chris Zuk                    Winnipeg        1:40:15  4:46 
  133 120/711   20/78   M2529     81 Yacine Bara                  Winnipeg        1:40:16  4:46 
  134 121/711   20/79   M3034   1312 Jeff Turner                  Winnipeg        1:40:19  4:46 
  135 122/711   13/84   M5054   1128 Jim Sandor                   Winnipeg        1:40:25  4:46 
  136  13/762    4/44   F2024   1352 Larissa Melnichuck           Winnipeg        1:40:27  4:46 
  137   2/99     5/274  Relay T 2038 Skinny Zip Cake Mate         Winnipeg        1:40:28  4:46 
  138  14/762    5/99   F4044   1418 Linda Wilson                 Kenora          1:40:32  4:46 
  139 123/711   17/101  M3539    922 Hogan Mullally               Winnipeg        1:40:33  4:46 
  140 124/711   18/101  M3539    293 Scott Degagné                Kenora          1:40:35  4:46 
  141 125/711   14/115  M4549    632 David Kaminski               Carman          1:40:35  4:46 
  142  15/762    4/119  F3539    292 Jeannine Degagné             Kenora          1:40:35  4:46 
  143 126/711   19/100  M4044    641 Abbie Keagan                 Winnipeg        1:40:36  4:47 
  144 127/711   21/78   M2529    244 Jordan Cook                  Portage la Prai 1:40:39  4:47 
  145 128/711   15/115  M4549   1103 Wayne Roseberry              Winnipeg        1:40:41  4:47 
  146 129/711   22/78   M2529    896 Matt Millar                  wpg             1:40:43  4:47 
  147 130/711   20/100  M4044   1316 Gary Tydings                 Winnipeg        1:40:45  4:47 
  148  16/762    1/89   F3034   1469 Meredith Kennedy             Winnipeg        1:40:50  4:47 
  149 131/711    2/32   M6064    291 Bill Degagne                 Winnipeg        1:40:50  4:47 
  150 132/711   23/78   M2529   1311 Jomar Hermosisima            Winnipeg        1:40:58  4:48 
  151 133/711   24/78   M2529   1445 Ryan Zajac                   East St. Paul   1:40:58  4:48 
  152 134/711   25/78   M2529    253 Jeremy Coss                  Winnipeg        1:41:03  4:48 
  153 135/711   14/84   M5054    755 Benny Lei                    winnipeg        1:41:04  4:48 
  154  17/762    1/43   F5054   1200 Christine Smith              Dryden          1:41:07  4:48 
  155 136/711   21/100  M4044     25 Rob Altemeyer                Winnipeg        1:41:10  4:48 
  156  18/762    2/70   F2529      8 Rebecca Tardiff              Winnipeg        1:41:11  4:48 
  157  19/762    3/70   F2529    136 Marissa Bochen               Winnipeg        1:41:12  4:48 
  158 137/711   16/115  M4549    242 Paul Connor                  Winnipeg        1:41:18  4:49 
  159 138/711   15/84   M5054   1129 Joel Sangalang               winnipeg        1:41:19  4:49 
  160 139/711   26/78   M2529    266 Jason Croker                 Winnipeg        1:41:19  4:49 
  161  20/762    2/43   F5054   1400 Kathy Wiens                  Winnipeg        1:41:21  4:49 
  162  21/762    4/70   F2529    521 Carly Hamonic                Winnipeg        1:41:23  4:49 
  163   3/99     6/274  Relay T 2075 The Fillions                 winnipeg        1:41:31  4:49 
  164 140/711   16/84   M5054   1197 Kevin Miller                 Winnipeg        1:41:32  4:49 
  165 141/711   21/79   M3034   1159 Dallas Schultz               steinbach       1:41:35  4:49 
  166 142/711   22/100  M4044    951 Tim Magas                    Winnipeg        1:41:45  4:50 
  167 143/711    1/27   M5559    878 Doug McPherson               wpg             1:41:47  4:50 
  168 144/711   19/101  M3539    823 Shannon Martin               La Salle        1:41:49  4:50 
  169 145/711   20/101  M3539    687 Ken Kohut                    Winnipeg        1:41:50  4:50 
  170 146/711   21/101  M3539    604 Travis Jensen                Winnipeg        1:41:56  4:50 
  171  22/762    5/44   F2024    433 Lauren Gavrailoff            Winnipeg        1:41:57  4:50 
  172  23/762    5/70   F2529    454 Sue Girard                   Winnipeg        1:42:03  4:51 
  173 147/711   17/84   M5054   1277 Henry Tessmann               Winnipeg        1:42:04  4:51 
  174 148/711   22/79   M3034    510 Jason Guy                    Winnipeg        1:42:06  4:51 
  175 149/711   23/79   M3034    117 Jason Bilous                 Winnipeg        1:42:06  4:51 
  176 150/711   22/101  M3539    419 Carl Fry                     Dayton          1:42:11  4:51 
  177 151/711   23/101  M3539    265 Stephen Crockett             Winnipeg        1:42:14  4:51 
  178 152/711   17/115  M4549    674 Arnie Klassen                Winkler         1:42:17  4:51 
  179 153/711   27/78   M2529   1172 Justin Shaer                 Winnipeg        1:42:18  4:51 
  180 154/711   28/78   M2529    535 Phil Harris                  Winnipeg        1:42:19  4:51 
  181 155/711   24/101  M3539    507 Francisco Ar Gumbe           Winnipeg        1:42:19  4:51 
  182 156/711    7/274  Relay T 2061 B Smooth And The Mea         Winnipeg        1:42:19  4:51 
  183 157/711   23/100  M4044    452 Michael Gilmour              Winnipeg        1:42:20  4:51 
  184 158/711   18/115  M4549    676 Dale Klassen                 Winnipeg        1:42:28  4:52 
  185 159/711   24/79   M3034    566 Stuart Holden                Winnipeg        1:42:29  4:52 
  186  24/762    6/99   F4044   1391 Linda Whitfield              Winnipeg        1:42:30  4:52 
  187 160/711   18/84   M5054     26 Ed Amman                     Winnipeg        1:42:33  4:52 
  188 161/711   25/101  M3539   1050 Jeremy Rafuse                Winnipeg        1:42:33  4:52 
  189  25/762    1/11   F6064   1049 Joyce Cooper                 Winnipeg        1:42:34  4:52 
  190  26/762    2/89   F3034    129 Lisa Blazewicz               Winnipeg        1:42:45  4:53 
  191 162/711   24/100  M4044   1251 Andrew Swan                  Winnipeg        1:42:45  4:53 
  192  27/762    7/99   F4044    779 Donna Lowe                   Brandon         1:42:45  4:53 
  193 163/711   26/101  M3539    702 Tim Krahn                    Winnipeg        1:42:50  4:53 
  194 164/711    3/32   M6064   1222 Bob Stadnyk                  Winnipeg        1:42:56  4:53 
  195 165/711   25/100  M4044    662 Ken Kielback                 winnipeg        1:42:59  4:53 
  196 166/711   27/101  M3539    118 Brian Bird                   Kenora          1:43:01  4:53 
  197 167/711   19/115  M4549    473 Hans Gorter                  Otterburne      1:43:05  4:54 
  198 168/711    2/27   M5559    217 Murray Chimilar              Winnipeg        1:43:05  4:54 
  199   4/99     8/274  Relay T 2193 Mo And Gimpy                 Portage la Prai 1:43:14  4:54 
  200 169/711    9/274  Relay T 2300 Code P                       Winnipeg        1:43:21  4:54 
  201 170/711   25/79   M3034    371 Devin Evenson                Winnipeg        1:43:22  4:54 
  202 171/711   26/79   M3034   1036 Hart Pollack                 winnipeg        1:43:25  4:55 
  203 172/711   29/78   M2529    230 Elliot Codispodi             Winnipeg        1:43:26  4:55 
  204 173/711   20/115  M4549   1274 Stephen Terichow Parrott     Winnipeg        1:43:27  4:55 
  205   5/99    10/274  Relay T 2212 Speedy And Gonzales          Winnipeg        1:43:29  4:55 
  206  28/762    2/114  F4549    975 Lisa Osler                   Winnipeg        1:43:37  4:55 
  207   6/99    11/274  Relay T 2268 Team Dynamite                Winnipeg        1:43:40  4:55 
  208  29/762    3/114  F4549    490 Fiona Green                  Winnipeg        1:43:43  4:55 
  209  30/762    5/119  F3539   1299 Laura Toews                  Winnipeg        1:43:46  4:56 
  210 174/711   28/101  M3539     99 Kevin Beechinor              Winnipeg        1:43:50  4:56 
  211  31/762    4/114  F4549   1430 Susan Wortzman               Winnipeg        1:44:00  4:56 
  212  32/762    3/89   F3034    539 Heather Haus                 Winnipeg        1:44:03  4:56 
  213 175/711   21/115  M4549    167 Andre Brouwer                Winnipeg        1:44:04  4:56 
  214 176/711   22/115  M4549     94 Kelly Beckman                stony mountain  1:44:04  4:56 
  215 177/711   27/79   M3034   1461 Kevin Chief                  Winnipeg        1:44:05  4:56 
  216  33/762    6/119  F3539   1366 Joanne Sibbald               Winnipeg        1:44:08  4:57 
  217 178/711   23/115  M4549    508 Hernan Gutierrez             Winnipeg        1:44:11  4:57 
  218 179/711   29/101  M3539    236 Andrew Collier               Winnipeg        1:44:12  4:57 
  219 180/711   30/78   M2529    670 Joel Kirton                  Winnipeg        1:44:16  4:57 
  220 181/711   24/115  M4549   1344 Ralph Wagner                 Winnipeg        1:44:17  4:57 
  221 182/711   25/115  M4549    987 Mario Palumbo                Winnipeg        1:44:19  4:57 
  222 183/711   31/78   M2529   1152 Kyle Kimacovich              Winnipeg        1:44:25  4:57 
  223 184/711   26/100  M4044    548 Rob Henn                     winnipeg        1:44:33  4:58 
  224 185/711   27/100  M4044   1349 Keith Walker                 Winnipeg        1:44:38  4:58 
  225 186/711   26/115  M4549   1202 William Diehl-Jones          Winnipeg        1:44:41  4:58 
  226  34/762    6/44   F2024    793 Karin MacDonald              Thompson        1:44:46  4:58 
  227 187/711   28/79   M3034   1463 Darren Champagne             Winnipeg        1:44:48  4:58 
  228  35/762    7/44   F2024    585 Ashley Hunstad               Winnipeg        1:44:56  4:59 
  229 188/711    4/32   M6064    360 Jim Emes                     Winnipeg        1:44:58  4:59 
  230 189/711   28/100  M4044    736 Garth Latoski                Winnipeg        1:44:58  4:59 
  231  36/762    7/119  F3539    145 Caslyn Bonnefoy              Winnipeg        1:44:59  4:59 
  232  37/762    5/114  F4549   1239 Germaine Stowell             winnipeg        1:45:00  4:59 
  233  38/762    8/44   F2024   1023 Jacky Phalen                 WPG             1:45:06  4:59 
  234  39/762    6/70   F2529    533 Marni Harms                  Dauphin         1:45:06  4:59 
  235  40/762    6/114  F4549    750 Susan Ledwich                Winnipeg        1:45:09  4:59 
  236 190/711   29/100  M4044    531 Lawrence Harder              Winnipeg        1:45:13  5:00 
  237 191/711   12/274  Relay T 2174 Law Dogs                     Selkirk         1:45:16  5:00 
  238 192/711    3/27   M5559    776 Stephen Loughery             Dryden          1:45:23  5:00 
  239  41/762    9/44   F2024    869 Christine McKinley           Grant Av        1:45:24  5:00 
  240 193/711   29/79   M3034    475 Raymond Gosselin             St Pierre       1:45:38  5:01 
  241 194/711   30/101  M3539    444 Josh Gilbert                 Winnipeg        1:45:38  5:01 
  242 195/711   30/100  M4044    529 Chris Harbeck                Winnipeg        1:45:40  5:01 
  243 196/711   31/100  M4044    503 Glen Grist                   Winnipeg        1:45:41  5:01 
  244 197/711   32/78   M2529    853 Scott McCulloch              Winnipeg        1:45:50  5:01 
  245 198/711   30/79   M3034    289 Nick Dean                    winnipeg        1:45:51  5:01 
  246 199/711   27/115  M4549     76 Lloyd Ballard                WINNIPEG        1:45:58  5:02 
  247  42/762    7/70   F2529    157 Rachelle Boychuk             East Selkirk    1:45:59  5:02 
  248  43/762    8/99   F4044   1327 Nelleke Vander Vliet         Otterburne      1:46:00  5:02 
  249 200/711   33/78   M2529   1091 Chris Robins                 Winnipeg        1:46:01  5:02 
  250  44/762   10/44   F2024   1105 Janice Ross                  Winnipeg        1:46:10  5:02 
  251 201/711   31/101  M3539    235 Robert Collen                Thompson        1:46:11  5:02 
  252 202/711   28/115  M4549    906 Ron Molgat                   Winnipeg        1:46:12  5:02 
  253  45/762    8/119  F3539    602 Linda Jeanson                Winnipeg        1:46:13  5:03 
  254  46/762    9/119  F3539    576 Renee Houde                  St Francois Xav 1:46:21  5:03 
  255 203/711   34/78   M2529    540 Dale Hayes                   Winnipeg        1:46:22  5:03 
  256 204/711   32/101  M3539    650 Chris Kempthorne             Winnipeg        1:46:22  5:03 
  257  47/762   10/119  F3539    106 Jodie Bennett                La Salle        1:46:24  5:03 
  258 205/711   29/115  M4549   1108 Bernard Rousseau             Winnipeg        1:46:32  5:03 
  259 206/711   35/78   M2529    567 Kris Holian                  Winnipeg        1:46:42  5:04 
  260 207/711   36/78   M2529   1140 Matthew Schacdt              Winnipeg        1:46:43  5:04 
  261 208/711   30/115  M4549   1254 Ron Swidinsky                Winnipeg        1:46:50  5:04 
  262 209/711   31/115  M4549     40 Mike Andreosso               Winnipeg        1:46:52  5:04 
  263 210/711   33/101  M3539    223 Jason Churko                 winnipeg        1:46:54  5:04 
  264 211/711   32/115  M4549   1231 Donald Stewart               Winnipeg        1:46:55  5:04 
  265 212/711   32/100  M4044    502 Darren Grills                Dauphin         1:46:58  5:05 
  266 213/711   34/101  M3539     37 Scott Anderson               Winnipeg        1:46:59  5:05 
  267 214/711   37/78   M2529    173 Phil Bruno                   Winnipeg        1:47:00  5:05 
  268 215/711   33/115  M4549    827 Dale Mastel                  Winnipeg        1:47:08  5:05 
  269  48/762    9/99   F4044    865 Catherine McKay              Winnipeg        1:47:10  5:05 
  270 216/711    5/32   M6064     45 Robert Ansah                 Winnipeg        1:47:12  5:05 
  271  49/762    7/114  F4549   1090 Nicole Robidoux              Winnipeg        1:47:14  5:05 
  272 217/711   31/79   M3034    834 Michael Smith                Winnipeg        1:47:18  5:06 
  273 218/711   34/115  M4549    375 Howard Falk                  Winnipeg        1:47:20  5:06 
  274  50/762   10/99   F4044    989 Eileen Pang                  Winnipeg        1:47:20  5:06 
  275  51/762    1/15   F0119    107 Kayla Bennett                Oak Bluff       1:47:21  5:06 
  276 219/711   38/78   M2529   1234 Shaun Stewart                Winnipeg        1:47:27  5:06 
  277 220/711   13/274  Relay T 2074 Houston & Van Ag         Winnipeg        1:47:29  5:06 
  278  52/762    2/15   F0119    701 Genevieve Krahn              Altona          1:47:30  5:06 
  279 221/711   33/100  M4044   1195 Samuel Smal                  Winnipeg        1:47:31  5:06 
  280 222/711   32/79   M3034    488 Ryan Gray                    Winnipeg        1:47:32  5:06 
  281 223/711   14/274  Relay T 2096 Pinky And The Brain          Winnipegosis    1:47:33  5:06 
  282  53/762    8/70   F2529    858 Heather McDonell             Winnipeg        1:47:34  5:06 
  283  54/762    3/15   F0119   1389 Jaclyn Whitehill             Winnipeg        1:47:35  5:06 
  284 224/711   35/101  M3539   1429 Adrian Wortley               Winnipeg        1:47:36  5:06 
  285 225/711   39/78   M2529    554 J Matthew Hildebrand         Winnipeg        1:47:37  5:07 
  286 226/711   34/100  M4044    861 Greg McGregor                Winnipeg        1:47:42  5:07 
  287  55/762   15/274  Relay T 2119 Team Ks                      Winnipeg        1:47:48  5:07 
  288 227/711   19/84   M5054   1212 Norbert Sousa                Winnipeg        1:47:52  5:07 
  289  56/762   11/119  F3539   1223 Tammy Stagg                  Keewatin        1:47:58  5:07 
  290 228/711   35/100  M4044    169 Harold Brown                 Winnipeg        1:47:59  5:08 
  291 229/711   35/115  M4549    917 Kent Motz                    Winnipeg        1:48:02  5:08 
  292  57/762    8/114  F4549    224 Sarah Cisaroski              St. Andrews     1:48:02  5:08 
  293 230/711   33/79   M3034    844 Lee McCarthy                 Winnipeg        1:48:02  5:08 
  294   7/99    16/274  Relay T 2260 River West Roadblock         Winnipeg        1:48:02  5:08 
  295 231/711   20/84   M5054    621 Dennis Jones                 Winnipeg        1:48:03  5:08 
  296  58/762   11/99   F4044     10 Petra Becker                 Fraserwood      1:48:06  5:08 
  297  59/762   12/119  F3539    168 Cindy Brown                  East St. Paul   1:48:12  5:08 
  298 232/711   36/115  M4549    179 Jim Burdeny                  Winnipeg        1:48:13  5:08 
  299 233/711   37/115  M4549   1180 Dennis Shepherd              The Pas         1:48:17  5:08 
  300  60/762    4/89   F3034    974 Kirstan Osborne              Winnipeg        1:48:21  5:09 
  301 234/711   38/115  M4549   1302 Bob Tonner                   Winnipeg        1:48:27  5:09 
  302 235/711   39/115  M4549     91 Chris Beaumont-Smith         Winnipeg        1:48:30  5:09 
  303 236/711   40/115  M4549    712 Darryl Kula                  Winnipeg        1:48:31  5:09 
  304  61/762   12/99   F4044    243 Monique Constant             Winnipeg        1:48:35  5:09 
  305   8/99    17/274  Relay T 2099 100 Purr-Cent                Winnipeg        1:48:37  5:09 
  306  62/762   11/44   F2024    526 Roberta Hansen               Seven Oaks Ave  1:48:38  5:09 
  307 237/711   21/84   M5054    525 Bob Hansen                   Seven Oaks Ave  1:48:39  5:09 
  308  63/762    5/89   F3034    251 Jodie Cornwall               St.Clements     1:48:51  5:10 
  309  64/762   13/119  F3539    384 Cathrine Farrell             Dugald          1:48:51  5:10 
  310   9/99    18/274  Relay T 2191 Team Bartel                  Winnipeg        1:48:52  5:10 
  311  65/762    9/114  F4549    268 Maria Cuda-Trunzo            winnipeg        1:49:01  5:10 
  312  66/762    3/43   F5054    547 Barb Heiliger                Winnipeg        1:49:07  5:11 
  313  67/762   13/99   F4044    477 Deb Graboweski               La Salle        1:49:08  5:11 
  314  68/762    1/23   F5559    542 Betty Hazeu                  Winnipeg        1:49:09  5:11 
  315  69/762   10/114  F4549    957 Corinne Norris               winnipeg        1:49:09  5:11 
  316 238/711   13/26   M2024   1466 Jordan Waldner               St Agathe       1:49:13  5:11 
  317 239/711    4/27   M5559   1332 Philip Veness                Winnipeg        1:49:18  5:11 
  318 240/711   36/100  M4044   1318 David Unger                  Winnipeg        1:49:19  5:11 
  319  70/762   14/119  F3539   1448 Shelley Zieroth              winnipeg        1:49:19  5:11 
  320 241/711   37/100  M4044    592 Paul Ilchena                 Winnipeg        1:49:22  5:11 
  321 242/711   34/79   M3034   1416 Geoffrey Wilson              Winnipeg        1:49:23  5:11 
  322  71/762    4/43   F5054    964 Kate Okany                   Winnipeg        1:49:25  5:12 
  323  72/762    4/15   F0119     39 Teslyn Anderson              Flin Flon       1:49:27  5:12 
  324 243/711   36/101  M3539     92 Paul Beauregard              Winnipeg        1:49:38  5:12 
  325 244/711   37/101  M3539    714 Konstantin Kullkov           Winnipeg        1:49:38  5:12 
  326  73/762   15/119  F3539     85 Deborah Baschuk              Winnipeg        1:49:39  5:12 
  327 245/711   41/115  M4549   1010 Trent Percy                  Winnipeg        1:49:39  5:12 
  328  74/762   14/99   F4044   1022 Jennifer Pfuetzner           Winnipeg        1:49:39  5:12 
  329 246/711   40/78   M2529    574 Andrew Hooper                Winnipeg        1:49:40  5:12 
  330  75/762   16/119  F3539    665 Corry King                   East St. Paul   1:49:40  5:12 
  331  10/99    19/274  Relay T 2230 Lead Feet                    Winnipeg        1:49:41  5:12 
  332  76/762   20/274  Relay T 2065 Hockey Moms On The R         Great Falls     1:49:48  5:13 
  333  77/762   15/99   F4044   1357 Helen Warkentin              Steinbach       1:49:49  5:13 
  334  78/762    6/89   F3034    707 Annelie Peters               Winnipeg        1:49:54  5:13 
  335  11/99    21/274  Relay T 2318 Faster Than Dad!             La Salle        1:49:56  5:13 
  336  79/762   17/119  F3539    773 Kristen Long                 Winnipeg        1:49:56  5:13 
  337 247/711   38/101  M3539    211 Jason Charney                Winnipeg        1:50:00  5:13 
  338 248/711   42/115  M4549     27 Lee Amy                      Winnipeg        1:50:04  5:13 
  339  80/762   18/119  F3539    947 Chris Newlove                Winnipeg        1:50:11  5:14 
  340 249/711   39/101  M3539    999 Puba Pathammavong            Winnipeg        1:50:18  5:14 
  341  12/99    22/274  Relay T 2208 Klassen                      Winnipeg        1:50:19  5:14 
  342  81/762   11/114  F4549    164 Michele Broadhurst           Gimli           1:50:22  5:14 
  343  82/762   12/114  F4549    456 Karyn Glass                  Winnipeg        1:50:23  5:14 
  344 250/711   35/79   M3034   1112 Raymond Ruest                Winnipeg        1:50:24  5:14 
  345  83/762    2/23   F5559   1026 Jan Pickell                  Winnipeg        1:50:24  5:14 
  346 251/711    6/32   M6064    322 Bob Doolan                   Winnipeg        1:50:25  5:14 
  347  84/762   13/114  F4549   1173 Debra Shafransky             Winnipeg        1:50:29  5:15 
  348 252/711    7/32   M6064    629 Dennis Kakoske               winnipeg        1:50:30  5:15 
  349 253/711    5/27   M5559    312 Ted Dodd                     Winnipeg        1:50:44  5:15 
  350 254/711    6/15   M0119    733 Adam Larson                  Winnipeg        1:50:47  5:15 
  351 255/711   40/101  M3539    735 David Larson                 Winnipeg        1:50:47  5:15 
  352 256/711   41/101  M3539   1015 Grant Petersen               Winnipeg        1:50:51  5:16 
  353 257/711   38/100  M4044    939 Daniel Marcoux               winnipeg        1:50:52  5:16 
  354 258/711   39/100  M4044    462 Matthias Goebel              Brandon         1:50:53  5:16 
  355 259/711   40/100  M4044     84 Russell Baron                winnipeg        1:50:53  5:16 
  356 260/711   36/79   M3034    764 Aaron Levine                 Winnipeg        1:50:54  5:16 
  357 261/711   23/274  Relay T 2226 Zap Attack!                  winnipeg        1:50:58  5:16 
  358 262/711   42/101  M3539   1094 Rupert Robinson              Winnipeg        1:51:01  5:16 
  359  85/762    9/70   F2529    284 Melissa Danish               Winnipeg        1:51:01  5:16 
  360 263/711   43/101  M3539   1177 Mike Shaw                    Lorette         1:51:01  5:16 
  361 264/711   41/78   M2529   1134 Bryce Saunders               Winnipeg        1:51:03  5:16 
  362  86/762   24/274  Relay T 2045 Team Nault                   Winnipeg        1:51:08  5:17 
  363 265/711   41/100  M4044    720 Morice Labossiere            Winnipeg        1:51:09  5:17 
  364 266/711   37/79   M3034   1267 Mike Tarr                    Winnipeg        1:51:10  5:17 
  365 267/711    8/32   M6064   1096 Leyton Roe                   Steinbach       1:51:11  5:17 
  366 268/711   43/115  M4549    202 Dave Cassels                 Winnipeg        1:51:12  5:17 
  367  87/762   16/99   F4044    226 Wendy Clark                  carman          1:51:16  5:17 
  368 269/711   44/101  M3539   1379 Chuck Wesley                 Dryden          1:51:17  5:17 
  369 270/711   42/100  M4044   1186 Luc Simard                   Morris          1:51:26  5:17 
  370 271/711   22/84   M5054    692 George Kotomaya              Winnipeg        1:51:27  5:17 
  371  13/99    25/274  Relay T 2036 Dashing For Dane             Winnipeg        1:51:35  5:18 
  372  88/762    7/89   F3034    802 Glenys MacLeod               Winnipeg        1:51:35  5:18 
  373 272/711   43/100  M4044    155 Marc Bouvier                 Winnipeg        1:51:37  5:18 
  374  89/762   17/99   F4044   1370 Sandra Webber                Winnipeg        1:51:40  5:18 
  375  90/762   19/119  F3539     15 Dawn Affleck                 Brandon         1:51:42  5:18 
  376 273/711   23/84   M5054   1184 Richard Sigurdson            Winnipeg        1:51:46  5:18 
  377 274/711   45/101  M3539   1447 Kyle Zevena                  Winnipeg        1:51:47  5:18 
  378  91/762   18/99   F4044    478 Donna Graboweski             La Salle        1:51:51  5:19 
  379 275/711   44/115  M4549   1248 Gary Sutherland              Winnipeg        1:51:54  5:19 
  380 276/711   46/101  M3539    916 Gary Morris                  Winnipeg        1:51:58  5:19 
  381 277/711   47/101  M3539    112 Randy Bettens                Winnipeg        1:51:59  5:19 
  382  92/762   20/119  F3539   1174 Antonella Shapland           Dryden          1:52:01  5:19 
  383 278/711   45/115  M4549   1018 Todd Peterson                Winnipeg        1:52:02  5:19 
  384 279/711   14/26   M2024    804 Kristopher MacNeil           Winnipeg        1:52:02  5:19 
  385 280/711   44/100  M4044   1052 Rick Ransom                  St Adolphe      1:52:08  5:19 
  386 281/711   38/79   M3034    427 Frank Gallo                  Winnipeg        1:52:09  5:19 
  387  14/99    26/274  Relay T 2215 Chicken Socks                wpg             1:52:10  5:19 
  388 282/711    6/27   M5559   1266 Grant Tarr                   Winnipeg        1:52:13  5:20 
  389  93/762   27/274  Relay T 2274 Team Bombshell               Winnipeg        1:52:13  5:20 
  390 283/711   45/100  M4044    151 Gabriel Boulette             Pine Falls      1:52:13  5:20 
  391 284/711   39/79   M3034   1328 Clint Vandersteen            West St. Paul   1:52:14  5:20 
  392 285/711   46/115  M4549    821 Gerald Martin                East Selkirk    1:52:19  5:20 
  393  15/99    28/274  Relay T 2210 Mommy & Daddy Ko         Winnipeg        1:52:21  5:20 
  394  94/762   12/44   F2024    781 Michelle Lowey               Winnipeg        1:52:24  5:20 
  395 286/711   29/274  Relay T 2223 Fat And Fatigued             Carman          1:52:26  5:20 
  396 287/711   42/78   M2529    862 Reid McGregor                Winnipeg        1:52:35  5:21 
  397  16/99    30/274  Relay T 2060 Team Miya                    Winnipeg        1:52:35  5:21 
  398  95/762   31/274  Relay T 2156 Margelle                     Winnipeg        1:52:40  5:21 
  399 288/711   43/78   M2529   1086 Justin Rivard                Winnipeg        1:52:40  5:21 
  400 289/711   47/115  M4549    734 Brian Larson                 East St. Paul   1:52:40  5:21 
  401 290/711   48/115  M4549    485 Ian Grant                    Winnipeg        1:52:42  5:21 
  402  96/762   21/119  F3539    249 Jocelyn Cordeiro             Winnipeg        1:52:45  5:21 
  403 291/711   49/115  M4549   1392 Brad Whitson                 Winnipeg        1:52:49  5:21 
  404 292/711   44/78   M2529   1249 Keith Sutherland             Winnipeg        1:52:49  5:21 
  405  97/762   32/274  Relay T 2263 Two Chicks Running           Carman          1:52:51  5:21 
  406  98/762   10/70   F2529   1390 Denise Fann                  Winnipeg        1:52:54  5:22 
  407 293/711   50/115  M4549    361 Murray Emond                 Cartier         1:52:55  5:22 
  408  99/762   14/114  F4549    786 Susan McMurrich              Winnipeg        1:52:59  5:22 
  409 294/711    9/32   M6064    831 Frank Matheson               La Salle        1:53:08  5:22 
  410 295/711    1/6    M6569   1275 Crawford Terrence            winnipeg        1:53:09  5:22 
  411 296/711    7/27   M5559    553 Ray Hignell                  Winnipeg        1:53:09  5:22 
  412 100/762   22/119  F3539    395 Nicole Fillion               Winnipeg        1:53:09  5:22 
  413 101/762   11/70   F2529    591 Shelley Hymers               Winnipeg        1:53:10  5:22 
  414 297/711   51/115  M4549    603 Chris Jenkins                Winnipeg        1:53:12  5:22 
  415 102/762   23/119  F3539     73 Melody Balane                Winnipeg        1:53:12  5:22 
  416 298/711   40/79   M3034    864 Doug McKane                  Winnipeg        1:53:15  5:23 
  417 103/762   19/99   F4044   1017 Heather Peterson             Winnipeg        1:53:20  5:23 
  418 104/762   20/99   F4044    933 Judy Nagy                    Keewatin        1:53:25  5:23 
  419 105/762   21/99   F4044   1279 Andrea Tetrault              Winnipeg        1:53:28  5:23 
  420 299/711   33/274  Relay T 2017 The Halls 12                 Niverville      1:53:30  5:23 
  421 300/711   45/78   M2529   1365 Sean Watson                  Winnipeg        1:53:36  5:24 
  422 106/762   12/70   F2529   1075 Mary Richardson              Winnipeg        1:53:39  5:24 
  423 107/762   13/44   F2024   1354 Chelsea Wardrope             Winnipeg        1:53:40  5:24 
  424 301/711   52/115  M4549    141 Adel Ramos                   winnipeg        1:53:42  5:24 
  425 108/762   13/70   F2529    189 Victoria Caldwell            Winnipeg        1:53:43  5:24 
  426 302/711    8/27   M5559    279 Donovan Dales                winnipeg        1:53:45  5:24 
  427 303/711   46/100  M4044    264 Brian Crockett               Beausejour      1:53:46  5:24 
  428 304/711   47/100  M4044    746 Brian Leclair                Winnipeg        1:53:52  5:24 
  429 305/711   46/78   M2529   1272 Kris Teerhuis                Winnipeg        1:53:52  5:24 
  430 306/711   48/100  M4044    218 Rodney Chongva               Winnipeg        1:53:53  5:24 
  431 307/711   24/84   M5054    340 Paul Dupuis                  Winnipeg        1:53:54  5:24 
  432 308/711    7/15   M0119   1048 Adam Rac                     Winnipeg        1:53:54  5:24 
  433 309/711   48/101  M3539    931 Sam Mysko                    Stornoway       1:53:54  5:24 
  434 310/711   41/79   M3034    898 Bill Miller                  Winnipeg        1:53:55  5:24 
  435 311/711   49/101  M3539    518 Greg Hamilton                Winnipeg        1:53:55  5:24 
  436 312/711   25/84   M5054   1037 Mike Pollmann                Winnipeg        1:53:56  5:24 
  437 313/711    8/15   M0119    715 Joshua Kummerfield           Winnipeg        1:53:56  5:24 
  438 314/711   26/84   M5054    993 Dinu Paraschiv               WINNIPEG        1:53:58  5:25 
  439 109/762   22/99   F4044    259 Leanne Cousins               Winnipeg        1:53:59  5:25 
  440  17/99    34/274  Relay T 2026 Team Loewen                  Winnipeg        1:54:02  5:25 
  441 315/711   49/100  M4044    481 Steve Grahame                Selkirk         1:54:02  5:25 
  442 110/762    8/89   F3034    277 Sharilyn Daher               Winnipeg        1:54:03  5:25 
  443 316/711    9/27   M5559    327 Brian Drummond               winnipeg        1:54:04  5:25 
  444 111/762   23/99   F4044    203 Kim Castle                   Winnipeg        1:54:05  5:25 
  445 112/762   14/70   F2529     89 Margeaux Baunemann           Winnipeg        1:54:06  5:25 
  446 113/762   35/274  Relay T 2266 Victorious Secret            Winnipeg        1:54:07  5:25 
  447 317/711   36/274  Relay T 2314 2314                         Winnipeg        1:54:08  5:25 
  448 114/762   37/274  Relay T 2003 Dmitri                       WPG             1:54:11  5:25 
  449 115/762    9/89   F3034    895 Andrea Mick                  Winnipeg        1:54:14  5:25 
  450 116/762   24/119  F3539   1433 Tracy Wright                 Winnipeg        1:54:14  5:25 
  451 318/711   50/100  M4044    609 Greg Johns                   Wpg             1:54:17  5:25 
  452 117/762   25/119  F3539    871 Candice McMackin             Thompson        1:54:19  5:26 
  453 319/711   53/115  M4549    231 Micah Cohen                  Winnipeg        1:54:21  5:26 
  454 118/762   10/89   F3034    841 Maggie McAvoy                Winnipeg        1:54:23  5:26 
  455 320/711   15/26   M2024    612 Jeff Johnson                 Winnipeg        1:54:25  5:26 
  456 119/762   15/70   F2529    907 Mariana Monroy               Winnipeg        1:54:27  5:26 
  457 321/711   47/78   M2529    681 Ryan Knight                  Winnipeg        1:54:28  5:26 
  458  18/99    38/274  Relay T 2013 Team Mediocre                Brandon         1:54:29  5:26 
  459 322/711   42/79   M3034    770 Derek Lockhart               Brandon         1:54:30  5:26 
  460 323/711   54/115  M4549    976 Warren Otto                  winnipeg        1:54:30  5:26 
  461 324/711   51/100  M4044   1443 Walter Yuen                  Winnipeg        1:54:36  5:26 
  462 120/762   16/70   F2529   1079 Nicole Rieu                  Winnipeg        1:54:41  5:27 
  463  19/99    39/274  Relay T 2311 Deuce's Wild                 Stonewall       1:54:42  5:27 
  464 325/711    2/5    M7074    830 Al Matheson                  Winnipeg        1:54:43  5:27 
  465 326/711   55/115  M4549    143 Jack Bonekamp                Pine Falls      1:54:44  5:27 
  466 327/711   52/100  M4044    209 Thomas Chaput                Winnipeg        1:54:47  5:27 
  467 328/711   27/84   M5054   1346 Al Waldron                   winnipeg        1:54:49  5:27 
  468 121/762   40/274  Relay T 2152 Red Hot Mamas On The         Winnipeg        1:54:51  5:27 
  469 122/762   15/114  F4549     13 Brenda Adair                 Lac du Bonnet   1:54:53  5:27 
  470 123/762   41/274  Relay T 2105 Demi Divas                   Winnipeg        1:54:53  5:27 
  471 124/762   42/274  Relay T 2070 2070                         Fort Frances    1:54:54  5:27 
  472 329/711   43/79   M3034    158 Robert Boychuk               Winnipeg        1:54:57  5:27 
  473 330/711   44/79   M3034    364 Brock Epp                    winnipeg        1:55:00  5:27 
  474 331/711   43/274  Relay T 2188 Seize The Day                Winnipeg        1:55:00  5:27 
  475 125/762   26/119  F3539    300 Margaret Derksen             Winnipeg        1:55:00  5:27 
  476 332/711   16/26   M2024    646 Trevor Kehler                Winnipeg        1:55:01  5:28 
  477 126/762   11/89   F3034   1446 Kimberly Zealand             Winnipeg        1:55:01  5:28 
  478 333/711   50/101  M3539    724 Mike Lackner                 Oakbank         1:55:01  5:28 
  479 334/711   53/100  M4044    925 Scott Munn                   Winnipeg        1:55:03  5:28 
  480 127/762   24/99   F4044    982 Viola O'Quinn-Page           Winnipeg        1:55:07  5:28 
  481 128/762   16/114  F4549   1414 Audrey Wilson                Winnipeg        1:55:10  5:28 
  482 335/711   51/101  M3539    660 Jason Khan                   Winnipeg        1:55:10  5:28 
  483 129/762   17/114  F4549    730 Michaela Lamoureux           Winnipeg        1:55:11  5:28 
  484 130/762    5/15   F0119   1305 Maude Tremblay-Boulianne     Flin Flon       1:55:11  5:28 
  485 131/762   27/119  F3539    822 Sarah Inness                 Winnipeg        1:55:12  5:28 
  486 132/762   44/274  Relay T 2286 Team Foxie Flossers          winnipeg        1:55:13  5:28 
  487 133/762    5/43   F5054    598 Pat Janusz                   Winnipeg        1:55:16  5:28 
  488 134/762   12/89   F3034    156 Tracy Bowman                 Winnipeg        1:55:17  5:28 
  489 135/762   45/274  Relay T 2175 Delia                        winnipeg        1:55:19  5:28 
  490 336/711   48/78   M2529    216 Johnathon Chihonik           Winnipeg        1:55:21  5:28 
  491 136/762   18/114  F4549    281 Sheryl Dancho                winnipeg        1:55:24  5:29 
  492 337/711   45/79   M3034    494 Shawn Gretchen               Winnipeg        1:55:28  5:29 
  493 137/762   13/89   F3034   1005 Joanne Peloquin              St. Pierre-Joly 1:55:33  5:29 
  494 338/711   54/100  M4044    276 Doug Daher                   Winnipeg        1:55:34  5:29 
  495 339/711   28/84   M5054   1228 Tim Stevens                  East St Paul    1:55:35  5:29 
  496 340/711   52/101  M3539    122 Todd Bjarnason               Winnipeg        1:55:37  5:29 
  497 138/762   46/274  Relay T 2216 Darlene And Michelle         Winnipeg        1:55:39  5:29 
  498 341/711   56/115  M4549   1322 Adrian Van De Graaf          Winnipeg        1:55:39  5:29 
  499 342/711   47/274  Relay T 2115 Brothers Grimm               Winnipeg        1:55:40  5:29 
  500 343/711   10/27   M5559   1258 Michael Sykes                Selkirk         1:55:41  5:29 
  501 344/711   17/26   M2024    426 Reid Gallant                 Winnipeg        1:55:41  5:29 
  502 345/711   49/78   M2529   1464 Dom Dicurzio                 Surrey          1:55:43  5:30 
  503 346/711   46/79   M3034   1382 Bo West                      Winnipeg        1:55:44  5:30 
  504 347/711   18/26   M2024    425 Mark Gallant                 Winnipeg        1:55:44  5:30 
  505 139/762   48/274  Relay T 2292 2292                         Winnipeg        1:55:46  5:30 
  506 140/762   19/114  F4549   1087 Stephanie Roberecki          wpg             1:55:47  5:30 
  507 348/711   29/84   M5054     71 Henry Bakker                 Winnipeg        1:55:47  5:30 
  508 349/711   55/100  M4044   1166 Luc Seguin                   Winnipeg        1:55:47  5:30 
  509 350/711   56/100  M4044    678 Brian Klos                   winnipeg        1:55:48  5:30 
  510 351/711   30/84   M5054    229 Jeff Coates                  Winnipeg        1:55:50  5:30 
  511 141/762   20/114  F4549    465 Laurine Goerzen              Longbow Lake    1:55:53  5:30 
  512 352/711   53/101  M3539   1243 Cory Sul                     Winnipeg        1:55:55  5:30 
  513  20/99    49/274  Relay T 2050 Team Danberg                 Winnipeg        1:55:57  5:30 
  514 142/762   21/114  F4549    324 Rodica Dragomir              Winnipeg        1:55:57  5:30 
  515 353/711   47/79   M3034    633 Tyson McMurren               Winnipeg        1:55:59  5:30 
  516  21/99    50/274  Relay T 2153 Mad Dogz Rochon              La Salle        1:56:02  5:30 
  517 143/762   28/119  F3539    363 Mandy Enright                Selkirk         1:56:02  5:30 
  518 354/711   48/79   M3034    942 Dale Nesbitt                 Winnipeg        1:56:05  5:31 
  519  22/99    51/274  Relay T 2108 Surovi Momci                 Winnipeg        1:56:10  5:31 
  520 355/711   54/101  M3539    339 Trevor Dunsford              Winnipeg        1:56:12  5:31 
  521 356/711   11/27   M5559    936 Raymond Natuik               Winnipeg        1:56:13  5:31 
  522 144/762    3/23   F5559    722 Viola Labun                  Winnipeg        1:56:18  5:31 
  523 357/711   10/32   M6064   1336 Jeff Vince                   east st paul    1:56:18  5:31 
  524 358/711   57/100  M4044    749 Jose Leduc                   Lockport        1:56:18  5:31 
  525 359/711   31/84   M5054    467 Gary Goodwin                 Winnipeg        1:56:24  5:31 
  526 360/711   32/84   M5054   1032 Eran Plotnik                 Winnipeg        1:56:26  5:32 
  527 145/762   17/70   F2529    311 Sarah Dobson                 Winnipeg        1:56:32  5:32 
  528 146/762   22/114  F4549    950 Sandi Nichol                 Winnipeg        1:56:33  5:32 
  529 361/711   12/27   M5559   1126 Ken Sanders                  Winnipeg        1:56:33  5:32 
  530 147/762   29/119  F3539    661 Brigitte Kiazyk-Mykytyn      Lorette         1:56:33  5:32 
  531 362/711   57/115  M4549   1143 Doug Schatz                  Winnipeg        1:56:36  5:32 
  532 148/762   52/274  Relay T 2227 Steinbach Chicks             Steinbach       1:56:37  5:32 
  533 149/762   14/44   F2024     63 Janelle Aubin                St Adolphe      1:56:37  5:32 
  534 150/762   25/99   F4044   1438 Betty Jo Young               Winnipeg        1:56:38  5:32 
  535  23/99    53/274  Relay T 2183 Since We Were 3              Winnipeg        1:56:39  5:32 
  536 151/762   54/274  Relay T 2221 2221                         winnipeg        1:56:40  5:32 
  537 363/711   58/115  M4549    860 Douglas McGregor             Winnipeg        1:56:41  5:32 
  538 364/711   58/100  M4044    165 Tom Brodbeck                 Winnipeg        1:56:43  5:32 
  539 365/711   13/27   M5559   1013 John Perry                   Winnipeg        1:56:48  5:33 
  540 152/762    6/43   F5054    303 Jeannette Desrochers         Winnipeg        1:56:52  5:33 
  541 153/762   14/89   F3034    737 Shawna Latoski               Winnipeg        1:56:54  5:33 
  542 154/762   23/114  F4549    904 Ladine Moldenhauer           Winnipeg        1:56:56  5:33 
  543 366/711   55/101  M3539    811 Junel Malapad                winnipeg        1:56:56  5:33 
  544 367/711   49/79   M3034    250 Charles Corey                Winnipeg        1:56:59  5:33 
  545 155/762   30/119  F3539    385 Kim Fast                     Winnipeg        1:56:59  5:33 
  546 156/762   18/70   F2529    757 Lindsay Lemanski             Winnipeg        1:57:00  5:33 
  547 368/711   59/100  M4044   1139 Mario Scerbo                 Winnipeg        1:57:03  5:33 
  548 157/762   24/114  F4549    352 Kim Roffey                   Winnipeg        1:57:05  5:33 
  549 369/711   59/115  M4549    732 Dancing Gabe Langlois        Winnipeg        1:57:08  5:34 
  550 158/762   15/89   F3034   1151 Sarah Schira                 Brandon         1:57:08  5:34 
  551 370/711   60/115  M4549    812 Thomas Malone                Winnipeg        1:57:09  5:34 
  552 371/711   61/115  M4549    866 Cameron McKenzie             Winnipeg        1:57:09  5:34 
  553 372/711   60/100  M4044   1099 Roman Romaniw                St. Andrews     1:57:13  5:34 
  554 373/711   56/101  M3539   1008 Michael Penner               Winnipeg        1:57:17  5:34 
  555 159/762   25/114  F4549    897 Anita Miller                 Winnipeg        1:57:18  5:34 
  556 160/762   31/119  F3539   1132 Janice Sarasin-Penner        wpg             1:57:20  5:34 
  557 161/762   26/114  F4549    868 Irma McKenzie                Winnipeg        1:57:20  5:34 
  558 162/762   32/119  F3539    111 Teresa Besant                Winnipeg        1:57:25  5:34 
  559 163/762   15/44   F2024    234 Joanna Colledge              winnipeg        1:57:25  5:34 
  560 164/762   33/119  F3539   1412 Anita Wilson                 Winnipeg        1:57:25  5:34 
  561  24/99    55/274  Relay T 2066 4 Sho                        Winnipeg        1:57:27  5:34 
  562 374/711   61/100  M4044    774 John Loochuk                 Stonewall       1:57:27  5:34 
  563 165/762   56/274  Relay T 2122 Team Gator                   Winnipeg        1:57:28  5:34 
  564 375/711   14/27   M5559    683 George Koch                  Winnipeg        1:57:29  5:35 
  565 166/762   19/70   F2529   1419 Samantha Wilson              Kenora          1:57:29  5:35 
  566 167/762   20/70   F2529   1384 Sandie Whinfield             Winnipeg        1:57:30  5:35 
  567  25/99    57/274  Relay T 2068 Riverview Jackrabbit         Winnipeg        1:57:34  5:35 
  568  26/99    58/274  Relay T 2242 The Murner Duo               Sanford         1:57:35  5:35 
  569   1/1                      487 John Gray                    Winnipeg        1:57:35  5:35 
  570 376/711    3/5    M7074     33 Jim Anderson                 Winnipeg        1:57:36  5:35 
  571 168/762   16/44   F2024    558 Kara Hill                    Kenora          1:57:36  5:35 
  572 377/711   62/115  M4549    624 Greg Joss                    Dugald          1:57:38  5:35 
  573 169/762   21/70   F2529    908 Jennifer Moran               Winnipeg        1:57:39  5:35 
  574  27/99    59/274  Relay T 2076 Got Milk                     Otterburne      1:57:41  5:35 
  575 170/762   26/99   F4044    997 Kelli Paskaruk               winnipeg        1:57:42  5:35 
  576 378/711   33/84   M5054   1088 Paul Robert                  Winnipeg        1:57:42  5:35 
  577 171/762   16/89   F3034   1153 Tracy Schneider              Winnipeg        1:57:45  5:35 
  578 379/711   63/115  M4549    892 Bryan Metcalfe               Winnipeg        1:57:45  5:35 
  579 380/711   50/79   M3034    315 Trevor Doerksen              winnipeg        1:57:46  5:35 
  580 172/762   17/89   F3034    388 Darcie Fehler                Winnipeg        1:57:46  5:35 
  581 381/711   34/84   M5054    133 Peter Blunden                Winnipeg        1:57:47  5:35 
  582 382/711   64/115  M4549    434 Tom Gavrailoff               Winnipeg        1:57:49  5:35 
  583 383/711   50/78   M2529   1321 Oliver Valencia              Winnipeg        1:57:53  5:36 
  584 384/711   51/79   M3034    719 Daniel Labossiere            LORETTE         1:57:55  5:36 
  585 385/711   62/100  M4044    232 Dwayne Cole                  Winnipeg        1:57:55  5:36 
  586 173/762   27/114  F4549    212 Cheryl Charriere             Ste. Anne       1:57:55  5:36 
  587 386/711   35/84   M5054    257 Ken Coupland                 Winnipeg        1:57:55  5:36 
  588 387/711   52/79   M3034   1373 David Weisz                  Winnipeg        1:57:56  5:36 
  589 388/711   63/100  M4044    451 Gordon Gillis                Winnipeg        1:57:57  5:36 
  590 389/711   64/100  M4044    192 Jj Campbell                  Winnipeg        1:57:57  5:36 
  591 174/762   60/274  Relay T 2234 Redwood Rats                 Winnipeg        1:57:57  5:36 
  592 390/711   36/84   M5054   1156 Eduardo Schor                Winnipeg        1:57:57  5:36 
  593 175/762   34/119  F3539    929 Lisa Myall                   Winnipeg        1:58:00  5:36 
  594 391/711   57/101  M3539    630 Chris Kalansky               Winkler         1:58:02  5:36 
  595 392/711   58/101  M3539    945 Alan Neumann                 Grande Pointe   1:58:08  5:36 
  596 393/711   65/115  M4549    846 Tim McCarthy                 Winnipeg        1:58:08  5:36 
  597 394/711   59/101  M3539    126 Kyle Blaquiere               Winnipeg        1:58:08  5:36 
  598 395/711   66/115  M4549   1376 Jim Wernham                  Winnipeg        1:58:11  5:37 
  599 176/762    2/11   F6064     96 Anita Bedard                 Keewatin        1:58:12  5:37 
  600 396/711   53/79   M3034    969 Mike Olson                   Winnipeg        1:58:14  5:37 
  601 397/711   37/84   M5054    546 Martial Hebert               wpg             1:58:15  5:37 
  602 177/762   28/114  F4549   1154 Marion Schoch                Winnipeg        1:58:16  5:37 
  603 398/711   11/32   M6064   1098 Len Rolfson                  Winnipeg        1:58:16  5:37 
  604 399/711   65/100  M4044     70 Martin Bajt                  Winnipeg        1:58:17  5:37 
  605 178/762   35/119  F3539    580 Tracy Hrehirchuk             Starbuck        1:58:18  5:37 
  606 179/762   27/99   F4044   1092 Janice Blair                 Winnipeg        1:58:22  5:37 
  607 400/711   60/101  M3539   1385 Craig White                  Winnipeg        1:58:22  5:37 
  608 401/711   38/84   M5054    813 Mike Malyk                   Winnipeg        1:58:23  5:37 
  609  28/99    61/274  Relay T 2051 "powered By Des         Winnipeg        1:58:23  5:37 
  610 180/762   18/89   F3034    381 Trish Farkas                 Headingley      1:58:30  5:37 
  611 181/762   29/114  F4549   1359 Lydia Warkentin              Winnipeg        1:58:30  5:37 
  612 402/711   66/100  M4044   1060 Curtis Rebizant              Winnipeg        1:58:32  5:38 
  613 403/711   67/100  M4044    174 James Buchan                 winnipeg        1:58:32  5:38 
  614 404/711   67/115  M4549   1016 Tommy Petersen               Winnipeg        1:58:33  5:38 
  615 182/762    7/43   F5054     31 Gayle Anderson               Keewatin        1:58:33  5:38 
  616 183/762   30/114  F4549    374 Roxie Eyer                   Winnipeg        1:58:36  5:38 
  617 184/762   19/89   F3034   1142 Lisa Scharf                  Winnipeg        1:58:38  5:38 
  618 185/762    8/43   F5054    640 Janet Kastellanos            winnipeg        1:58:39  5:38 
  619 405/711   61/101  M3539    358 Thomas Elskamp               Sanford         1:58:40  5:38 
  620 406/711   68/100  M4044    943 Steve Nesbitt                St Andrews      1:58:41  5:38 
  621 407/711   39/84   M5054      9 Art Stannard                 Winnipeg        1:58:42  5:38 
  622 408/711   62/101  M3539    435 Trevor Gebel                 Winnipeg        1:58:47  5:38 
  623 409/711   68/115  M4549    416 Vern Friesen                 Winnipeg        1:58:48  5:38 
  624  29/99    62/274  Relay T 2120 Jump Start                   Winnipeg        1:58:49  5:38 
  625 186/762   36/119  F3539   1158 Jaylene Schroeder            Winnipeg        1:58:51  5:38 
  626 187/762   31/114  F4549   1323 Kathy Van De Graaf           Winnipeg        1:58:51  5:38 
  627 188/762   28/99   F4044    819 Carole Marshalok             Winnipeg        1:58:51  5:38 
  628 189/762   32/114  F4549   1002 Sandra Payette               LaSalle         1:58:52  5:38 
  629 410/711   69/115  M4549    838 Howard May                   Pine Falls      1:58:59  5:39 
  630 411/711   40/84   M5054    378 Wally Falk                   Lorette         1:59:02  5:39 
  631 412/711    9/15   M0119    926 Dane Murner                  Sanford         1:59:17  5:40 
  632 413/711   63/101  M3539   1014 Jason Peters                 Winnipeg        1:59:18  5:40 
  633 414/711   41/84   M5054    705 Gary Kroeker                 Elm Creek       1:59:29  5:40 
  634 190/762    9/43   F5054    751 Laurie Lees                  Winnipeg        1:59:30  5:40 
  635 415/711   54/79   M3034    278 Eric Dahle                   Winnipeg        1:59:33  5:40 
  636 416/711   70/115  M4549    309 Jim Dixon                    winnipeg        1:59:35  5:41 
  637 417/711   42/84   M5054    469 Marv Goossen                 brandon         1:59:42  5:41 
  638 418/711   71/115  M4549    468 Jon Goossen                  Winnipeg        1:59:43  5:41 
  639 419/711   72/115  M4549    845 Rob McCarthy                 Winnipeg        1:59:43  5:41 
  640 191/762   22/70   F2529    573 Kimberly Holyk               Winnipeg        1:59:45  5:41 
  641 420/711   63/274  Relay T 2235 R & R                    Winnipeg        1:59:47  5:41 
  642 421/711   73/115  M4549   1120 David Sallis                 Winnipeg        1:59:50  5:41 
  643 192/762   29/99   F4044   1435 Debra Yacheson               Winnipeg        1:59:50  5:41 
  644 193/762   20/89   F3034    208 Erin Chapman                 Morden          1:59:55  5:41 
  645 422/711   74/115  M4549    349 John D'Ignazio               Winnipeg        1:59:56  5:42 
  646 194/762   37/119  F3539   1039 Robin Bradley                Winnipeg        2:00:00  5:42 
  647 423/711   51/78   M2529    101 Eduardo Belik                Winnipeg        2:00:01  5:42 
  648 195/762   10/43   F5054   1293 Gwen Timm                    Winnipeg        2:00:02  5:42 
  649 196/762   21/89   F3034    716 Lee Mazurak                  Winnipeg        2:00:02  5:42 
  650 424/711   52/78   M2529    537 Brant Harvey                 Winnipeg        2:00:03  5:42 
  651 197/762   64/274  Relay T 2182 Get 'Er Done                 Winnipeg        2:00:04  5:42 
  652 198/762   65/274  Relay T 2147 P-Rocks                      Winnipeg        2:00:04  5:42 
  653 199/762   38/119  F3539    549 Claire Herbert               Wininpeg        2:00:10  5:42 
  654 425/711   43/84   M5054   1331 Doug Veness                  Calgary         2:00:10  5:42 
  655  30/99    66/274  Relay T 2173 Just J                       Selkirk         2:00:11  5:42 
  656 426/711   53/78   M2529    493 Leith Grenkow                Winnipeg        2:00:12  5:42 
  657 200/762   33/114  F4549    457 Lynn Glowach                 Winnipeg        2:00:17  5:43 
  658 427/711   10/15   M0119   1229 Brady Stevenson              East St Paul    2:00:22  5:43 
  659 201/762   11/43   F5054   1404 Annette Willborn             Winnipeg        2:00:25  5:43 
  660 202/762   12/43   F5054   1020 Dianne Pettitt               Winnipeg        2:00:25  5:43 
  661 203/762   34/114  F4549    472 Cathey Gornik                Winnipeg        2:00:29  5:43 
  662 428/711   19/26   M2024    923 Jordan Mund                  Gimli           2:00:39  5:44 
  663 204/762   23/70   F2529   1329 Sarah Vanderveen             Winnipeg        2:00:39  5:44 
  664 429/711   75/115  M4549   1226 Michael Stephensen           Winnipeg        2:00:46  5:44 
  665 205/762   67/274  Relay T 2185 Barb&joy                 Wpg             2:00:46  5:44 
  666 206/762   24/70   F2529   1413 Anroup Wilson                Winnipeg        2:00:46  5:44 
  667 207/762   35/114  F4549   1348 Jackie Walker                Winnipeg        2:00:47  5:44 
  668 208/762   22/89   F3034    675 Christianna Klassen          Winnipeg        2:00:50  5:44 
  669 430/711   44/84   M5054    559 Gilles Hirmann               Winnipeg        2:00:51  5:44 
  670 431/711   69/100  M4044    127 Doug Blaschuk                Winnipeg        2:00:51  5:44 
  671 432/711   64/101  M3539   1148 Keith Schinkel               Winnipeg        2:00:53  5:44 
  672 433/711   65/101  M3539   1045 Mike Qua                     Winnipeg        2:00:54  5:44 
  673 209/762   39/119  F3539    474 Lisa Gosselin                Saint-Pierre-Jo 2:00:54  5:44 
  674 434/711   15/27   M5559    428 Virgilio Galvez              winnipeg        2:00:55  5:44 
  675 210/762   40/119  F3539     18 Terra Albus                  Winnipeg        2:00:58  5:44 
  676 211/762   41/119  F3539   1300 Vicki Toews                  East St. Paul   2:01:00  5:45 
  677 435/711   70/100  M4044   1137 Jay Scanlon                  Winnipeg        2:01:01  5:45 
  678 436/711   54/78   M2529    301 Justin Deroo                 Winnipeg, MB    2:01:03  5:45 
  679 212/762   68/274  Relay T 2264 Blue Cross Lightning         East St Paul    2:01:03  5:45 
  680 437/711   76/115  M4549    220 Geoff Christie               St Andrews      2:01:04  5:45 
  681 438/711   55/79   M3034    578 Glenn Howell                 Winnipeg        2:01:04  5:45 
  682 213/762   42/119  F3539    731 Jennnifer Lange              Winnipeg        2:01:05  5:45 
  683 439/711   55/78   M2529    935 Trevor Naldrett              W innipeg       2:01:07  5:45 
  684 214/762   30/99   F4044    563 Monica Hoersch               WINIPEG         2:01:08  5:45 
  685 215/762   43/119  F3539   1131 Dinah Santos-Coutts          Winnipeg        2:01:09  5:45 
  686 216/762   69/274  Relay T 2307 2307                         winnipeg        2:01:11  5:45 
  687 440/711   45/84   M5054   1046 Michael Raabe                Winnipeg        2:01:13  5:45 
  688 217/762   44/119  F3539   1164 Sherry Scott                 Winnipeg        2:01:14  5:45 
  689 441/711   56/79   M3034    965 Joe Olafson                  Winnipeg        2:01:14  5:45 
  690 218/762   25/70   F2529    966 Tara Olafson                 Winnipeg        2:01:14  5:45 
  691  31/99    70/274  Relay T 2236 Pokin Along                  Winnipeg        2:01:15  5:45 
  692 442/711   66/101  M3539    222 Scott Chudley                Winnipeg        2:01:17  5:45 
  693 443/711   16/27   M5559    357 Bill Elliott                 winnipeg        2:01:18  5:45 
  694 219/762   36/114  F4549    347 Ruthanne Dyck                Lanmark         2:01:19  5:45 
  695 220/762   23/89   F3034    859 Linda McFee                  Winnipeg        2:01:19  5:45 
  696 444/711   17/27   M5559    400 Mike Ford                    La Salle        2:01:23  5:46 
  697 445/711   46/84   M5054    108 Michael Bennett              Winnipeg        2:01:30  5:46 
  698 221/762   37/114  F4549    258 Ali Cournoyer                Lorette         2:01:31  5:46 
  699 222/762   71/274  Relay T 2324 Sole Sisters                 Winnipeg        2:01:31  5:46 
  700 223/762   31/99   F4044   1110 Muriel Roy                   Lorette, Manito 2:01:31  5:46 
  701 446/711   11/15   M0119    398 Zach Flamand                 Dryden          2:01:32  5:46 
  702 447/711   71/100  M4044   1378 Jeff Werntz                  winnipeg        2:01:32  5:46 
  703 224/762   24/89   F3034    769 Coreena Lloyd                Winnipeg        2:01:36  5:46 
  704 225/762   32/99   F4044    313 Jodi Dodds                   Winnipeg        2:01:37  5:46 
  705 448/711   77/115  M4549    763 Ken Levenec                  Ste.Anne        2:01:38  5:46 
  706 226/762   72/274  Relay T 2246 M & M                    Oak Bluff       2:01:41  5:46 
  707 227/762    4/23   F5559    150 Lynda Mauro                  Winnipeg        2:01:42  5:47 
  708 228/762   73/274  Relay T 2124 2124                         Winnipeg        2:01:42  5:47 
  709 449/711   74/274  Relay T 2165 2 Slow                       Winnipeg        2:01:45  5:47 
  710 450/711   78/115  M4549    655 Russell Kernaghan            Winnipeg        2:01:47  5:47 
  711 229/762   75/274  Relay T 2007 Bombay Saphires              Winnipeg        2:01:47  5:47 
  712 451/711   76/274  Relay T 2205 Fog                          Winnipeg        2:01:47  5:47 
  713 230/762   17/44   F2024    775 Alyssa Lothian               Stony Mountain  2:01:49  5:47 
  714 452/711   67/101  M3539    271 Todd Cusson                  winnipeg        2:01:49  5:47 
  715 231/762   38/114  F4549    227 Brenda Clayton               East St. Paul   2:01:50  5:47 
  716 453/711   68/101  M3539   1457 Scott Davidson               Dryden          2:01:51  5:47 
  717 454/711   79/115  M4549    639 Dan Kasper                   winnipeg        2:01:58  5:47 
  718 232/762   25/89   F3034    538 Dawn Haus                    Winnipeg        2:01:59  5:47 
  719  32/99    77/274  Relay T 2285 Champagne Dreams             Winnipeg        2:02:04  5:48 
  720 455/711   80/115  M4549    148 Markus Borchert              Winnipeg        2:02:08  5:48 
  721 456/711   72/100  M4044    130 Steve Block                  Winnipeg        2:02:11  5:48 
  722 457/711   47/84   M5054   1371 Lew Weber                    Winnipeg        2:02:11  5:48 
  723 458/711   48/84   M5054     48 Barry Aplin                  Winnipeg        2:02:12  5:48 
  724 459/711   78/274  Relay T 2251 Berserkers                   Winnipeg        2:02:14  5:48 
  725 233/762   26/89   F3034    441 Jill Gibson                  Winnipeg        2:02:14  5:48 
  726 234/762   39/114  F4549   1056 Heather Raymond              Winnipeg        2:02:19  5:48 
  727  33/99    79/274  Relay T 2005 Mom N' Gord                  LaRiviere       2:02:19  5:48 
  728 235/762   18/44   F2024    752 Nathalie Legace              LaSalle         2:02:23  5:48 
  729 460/711   81/115  M4549    254 Ted Boughen                  Winnipeg        2:02:25  5:49 
  730 461/711   80/274  Relay T 2187 Over And Under               Winnipeg        2:02:26  5:49 
  731 236/762   19/44   F2024   1204 Laneil Smith                 Winnipeg        2:02:27  5:49 
  732 462/711   69/101  M3539   1383 Trent Whidden                Winnipeg        2:02:28  5:49 
  733 463/711   49/84   M5054    319 Rick Donald                  Winnipeg        2:02:29  5:49 
  734 464/711   56/78   M2529     62 Roger Au                     Winnipeg        2:02:30  5:49 
  735 237/762   33/99   F4044    985 Michelle Painchaud           Winnipeg        2:02:41  5:49 
  736 465/711   57/79   M3034    723 Damien Lacasse               Winnipeg        2:02:41  5:49 
  737 238/762   34/99   F4044    392 Della Fidler                 selkirk         2:02:43  5:49 
  738  34/99    81/274  Relay T 2204 2204                         Winnipeg        2:02:47  5:50 
  739 239/762   27/89   F3034    883 Christine Medina             Winnipeg        2:02:50  5:50 
  740 240/762   82/274  Relay T 2209 2209                         Winnipeg        2:02:54  5:50 
  741 466/711   20/26   M2024   1141 Christopher Schacht          Libau           2:03:01  5:50 
  742 467/711   12/32   M6064    495 Ross Gridley                 Oakbank         2:03:01  5:50 
  743 468/711   21/26   M2024    625 Pierce Joyal                 Winnipeg        2:03:02  5:50 
  744  35/99    83/274  Relay T 2206 2206                         Winnpeg         2:03:03  5:50 
  745 469/711   70/101  M3539    765 Durga Liske                  Winnipeg        2:03:03  5:50 
  746 241/762   26/70   F2529   1061 Heather Reeves               Winnipeg        2:03:04  5:50 
  747 242/762   35/99   F4044    403 Darlene Foster               winnipeg        2:03:07  5:51 
  748 243/762   40/114  F4549   1024 Teresa Phalen                WPG             2:03:11  5:51 
  749 244/762    6/15   F0119    330 Ana Dueck                    Winnipeg        2:03:13  5:51 
  750 470/711   82/115  M4549    534 Gregory Harris               Winnipeg        2:03:13  5:51 
  751 471/711   57/78   M2529   1284 Duane Thiessen               Morden          2:03:17  5:51 
  752 472/711   50/84   M5054    805 Guy Madill                   WInnipeg        2:03:17  5:51 
  753 245/762   36/99   F4044   1298 Shelley Todd                 Winnipeg        2:03:19  5:51 
  754 246/762   20/44   F2024    286 Colleen Dawson               Winnipeg        2:03:23  5:51 
  755 473/711   83/115  M4549    287 Malcolm Dawson               Winnipeg        2:03:24  5:51 
  756 247/762   41/114  F4549    824 Elaine Martineau             Winnipeg        2:03:24  5:51 
  757  36/99    84/274  Relay T 2168 2168                         Winnipeg        2:03:25  5:51 
  758 474/711   73/100  M4044    458 Allan Godfrey                Winnipeg        2:03:38  5:52 
  759 475/711   74/100  M4044   1107 Richard Ross                 Winnipeg        2:03:38  5:52 
  760 476/711   75/100  M4044    697 Kevin Kowalchuk              Winnipeg        2:03:39  5:52 
  761 248/762   45/119  F3539    506 Laurie Gulowaty              Winnipeg        2:03:46  5:52 
  762 249/762   46/119  F3539    934 Dianah Nakazibwe             Winnipeg        2:03:53  5:53 
  763 477/711   58/79   M3034   1301 Eric Tolentino               Winnipeg        2:03:55  5:53 
  764 250/762   27/70   F2529      6 Joan St Laurent              Winnipeg        2:03:56  5:53 
  765 478/711   76/100  M4044   1021 Paul Pfrimmer                La Salle        2:03:57  5:53 
  766 251/762   47/119  F3539    874 Joanna McMaster              Winnipeg        2:04:01  5:53 
  767  37/99    85/274  Relay T 2322 2322                         Riverton        2:04:02  5:53 
  768  38/99    86/274  Relay T 2320 Toderan                      Riverton        2:04:03  5:53 
  769 252/762   87/274  Relay T 2078 2078                         Selkirk         2:04:05  5:53 
  770 253/762   48/119  F3539    176 Melissa Budd                 stonewall       2:04:05  5:53 
  771 254/762   88/274  Relay T 2128 Turtle And The Hare          Winnipeg        2:04:07  5:53 
  772 479/711   84/115  M4549    393 David Fielder                Winnipeg        2:04:07  5:53 
  773 480/711   13/32   M6064    511 John Guy                     Winnipeg        2:04:08  5:53 
  774 481/711   59/79   M3034    710 Vince Kubish                 Winnipeg        2:04:13  5:54 
  775 482/711   77/100  M4044   1001 Allan Paulyshyn              winnipeg        2:04:16  5:54 
  776 255/762   42/114  F4549    144 Kim Bonekamp                 Pine Falls      2:04:17  5:54 
  777 483/711   78/100  M4044   1169 Stacy Sellsted               Winnipeg        2:04:19  5:54 
  778 256/762   89/274  Relay T 2179 2179                         Pine Falls      2:04:23  5:54 
  779 257/762   49/119  F3539    228 Kathleen Clouston            Winnipeg        2:04:23  5:54 
  780 258/762   28/89   F3034   1073 Kendra Rerie                 Winnipeg        2:04:29  5:54 
  781 484/711   79/100  M4044   1157 Mark Schram                  Winnipeg        2:04:29  5:54 
  782 259/762   29/89   F3034    882 Naomi Medeiros               Winnipeg        2:04:30  5:54 
  783 260/762   28/70   F2529    949 Lisa Nichol                  Winnipeg        2:04:32  5:55 
  784 485/711   58/78   M2529   1078 Derek Rieu                   Winnipeg        2:04:33  5:55 
  785 261/762   29/70   F2529    519 Kimberly Hamilton            Winnipeg        2:04:34  5:55 
  786 262/762   30/89   F3034    333 Janice Dumont                St.Pierre-Jolys 2:04:35  5:55 
  787 263/762   37/99   F4044   1203 Julie Whelen                 Kenora          2:04:35  5:55 
  788 486/711   85/115  M4549    562 Colin Hodgson                WINNIPEG        2:04:36  5:55 
  789 487/711   71/101  M3539    332 Daniel Dumont                St.Pierre-Jolys 2:04:36  5:55 
  790 264/762   43/114  F4549    137 Alison Bodner                Winnipeg        2:04:36  5:55 
  791 488/711   51/84   M5054    246 Mike Cook                    WINNIPEG        2:04:37  5:55 
  792 265/762   38/99   F4044    496 Tricia Grierson              Winnipeg        2:04:38  5:55 
  793 489/711   60/79   M3034    190 Troy Calleran                Dryden          2:04:38  5:55 
  794 490/711   52/84   M5054    299 Steve Dennis                 Winnipeg        2:04:42  5:55 
  795 266/762   44/114  F4549    679 Patricia Kmet                Winnipeg        2:04:50  5:55 
  796 267/762   90/274  Relay T 2218 C & J Mamas              Winnipeg        2:04:51  5:55 
  797 268/762   50/119  F3539     68 Stephanie Bachewich          Winnipeg        2:04:53  5:56 
  798 269/762   21/44   F2024   1196 Amelia Smandych              Winnipeg        2:04:55  5:56 
  799  39/99    91/274  Relay T 2107 2107                         Winnipeg        2:04:56  5:56 
  800 270/762   45/114  F4549    618 Debbie Jonasson              St. Eustache    2:04:57  5:56 
  801 271/762   92/274  Relay T 2178 Good-Boob                    Winnipeg        2:05:04  5:56 
  802 272/762    7/15   F0119    344 Eleya Dyck                   Kleefeld        2:05:06  5:56 
  803 491/711   53/84   M5054    128 David Blatz                  Winnipeg        2:05:10  5:56 
  804 492/711   72/101  M3539    440 Geoff Gibson                 Winnipeg        2:05:11  5:56 
  805 273/762   31/89   F3034    914 Joanne Morissette            Winnipeg        2:05:11  5:56 
  806 493/711   93/274  Relay T 2087 Team 330                     La Salle        2:05:13  5:57 
  807 494/711   86/115  M4549   1256 Mike Swirski                 Garson          2:05:14  5:57 
  808 274/762   22/44   F2024    777 Linda Louttit                Gimli           2:05:15  5:57 
  809 275/762   51/119  F3539    848 Kim McCormick                Winnipeg        2:05:19  5:57 
  810 276/762   23/44   F2024    891 Emily Meronyk                Kenora          2:05:21  5:57 
  811 495/711   87/115  M4549    579 Les Howell                   Stoney Mountain 2:05:23  5:57 
  812 277/762   46/114  F4549    801 Wendy Mackenzie              Winnipeg        2:05:24  5:57 
  813 496/711   88/115  M4549    800 Peter Mackenzie              Winnipeg        2:05:25  5:57 
  814 278/762   94/274  Relay T 2062 2062                         Winnipeg        2:05:26  5:57 
  815 497/711   54/84   M5054    594 Ray Jakilazek                Winnipeg        2:05:27  5:57 
  816 279/762   52/119  F3539    252 Cathy Cortvriendt            winnipeg        2:05:28  5:57 
  817 498/711   73/101  M3539    530 Brian Harder                 Niverville      2:05:28  5:57 
  818 499/711   74/101  M3539   1038 Rommel Ponce                 Winnipeg        2:05:29  5:57 
  819 280/762   24/44   F2024    972 Stephanee Ophey              Winnipeg        2:05:31  5:57 
  820 281/762   13/43   F5054     98 Phyllis Bedder               Winnipeg        2:05:31  5:57 
  821 282/762    8/15   F0119    177 Camella Budzinski            Winnipeg        2:05:31  5:57 
  822 283/762   47/114  F4549   1319 Diane Unruh                  Winnipeg        2:05:33  5:57 
  823 284/762   95/274  Relay T 2211 Bootie Busters               Dryden          2:05:42  5:58 
  824 285/762   48/114  F4549    796 Joyce Mackay                 Winnipeg        2:05:45  5:58 
  825 286/762   39/99   F4044   1116 Colleen Sacrey               Winnipeg        2:05:48  5:58 
  826 287/762   30/70   F2529   1294 Amber Tittlemier             Selkirk         2:05:48  5:58 
  827 288/762   49/114  F4549   1059 Audrey Rebizant              Winnipeg        2:05:53  5:58 
  828 500/711   14/32   M6064    704 Alex Kraubner                Winnipeg        2:05:57  5:59 
  829 289/762   25/44   F2024    501 Melissa Griffiths            Dauphin         2:05:58  5:59 
  830 501/711   89/115  M4549    500 George Griffiths             Dauphin         2:05:58  5:59 
  831  40/99    96/274  Relay T 2265 Labuick Robinson             Brandon         2:06:00  5:59 
  832 502/711   22/26   M2024   1198 Timothy Smandych             Winnipeg        2:06:02  5:59 
  833 503/711   90/115  M4549   1406 Scott Williams               Winnipeg        2:06:03  5:59 
  834 290/762   50/114  F4549   1106 Martha Ross                  Killarney       2:06:04  5:59 
  835 291/762   26/44   F2024    445 Amanda Gill                  Winnipeg        2:06:08  5:59 
  836 292/762   31/70   F2529   1077 Sheila Atchison              Winnipeg        2:06:09  5:59 
  837 293/762   32/89   F3034    645 Sandra Kehler                Winnipeg        2:06:10  5:59 
  838 294/762   40/99   F4044     56 Lesley Asmundson             Winnipeg        2:06:10  5:59 
  839 504/711   91/115  M4549     19 Andy Alguire                 West St. Paul   2:06:11  5:59 
  840 295/762   41/99   F4044   1219 Barbie Nault                 Lorette         2:06:11  5:59 
  841 296/762   14/43   F5054    337 Wendy Dunlop-Walker          winnipeg        2:06:12  5:59 
  842 505/711    4/5    M7074   1465 James King                   Winnipeg        2:06:16  6:00 
  843 297/762   33/89   F3034    191 Caryn Campbell               Winnipeg        2:06:16  6:00 
  844 298/762   51/114  F4549    556 Cheryl Hill                  Winnipeg        2:06:19  6:00 
  845 299/762   53/119  F3539    338 Jennifer Dunsford            Winnipeg        2:06:21  6:00 
  846 300/762   97/274  Relay T 2275 Friendly French Firs         Winnipeg        2:06:29  6:00 
  847 301/762   32/70   F2529     47 Ginette Antoniak             Winnipeg        2:06:31  6:00 
  848  41/99    98/274  Relay T 2243 Team Cooker                  winnipeg        2:06:34  6:00 
  849 302/762   52/114  F4549    696 Elvira Kowalchuk             Winnipeg        2:06:36  6:00 
  850 303/762   99/274  Relay T 2184 Tlc                          Winnipeg        2:06:39  6:01 
  851 304/762   53/114  F4549    498 Barb Griffith                Kenora          2:06:49  6:01 
  852  42/99   100/274  Relay T 2046 The Andromeda Sprain         Steinbach       2:06:53  6:01 
  853 506/711   61/79   M3034     66 Kenneth Azaransky            Winnipeg        2:06:56  6:01 
  854 305/762   33/70   F2529    139 Jennifer Boitson             Winnipeg        2:06:57  6:01 
  855 507/711   59/78   M2529   1218 Tj Spruyt                    Winnipeg        2:06:58  6:01 
  856 306/762   42/99   F4044    527 Joan Hanton                  Winnipeg        2:06:59  6:02 
  857 307/762   43/99   F4044    944 Rose Neufeld                 Winnipeg        2:07:01  6:02 
  858  43/99   101/274  Relay T 2279 Team Drury                   Winnipeg        2:07:02  6:02 
  859 508/711   92/115  M4549    557 Dereck Hill                  Winnipeg        2:07:06  6:02 
  860  44/99   102/274  Relay T 2244 Super B's                    Headingley      2:07:11  6:02 
  861  45/99   103/274  Relay T 2039 Connie And Leah              Winnipeg        2:07:13  6:02 
  862 509/711   75/101  M3539    532 David Harley                 Winnipeg        2:07:14  6:02 
  863 308/762  104/274  Relay T 2171 L&l's Mom's              Winnipeg        2:07:15  6:02 
  864 510/711   76/101  M3539    402 Trevor Forscutt              Grande Pointe   2:07:18  6:02 
  865 511/711   80/100  M4044    285 Wayne Davis                  Anola           2:07:18  6:02 
  866 512/711   77/101  M3539   1260 Jeff Szyszkowski             Winnipeg        2:07:18  6:02 
  867 513/711   93/115  M4549    166 Michael Brooker              Headingley      2:07:18  6:02 
  868 514/711   60/78   M2529     82 Matthew Barabash             Winnipeg        2:07:19  6:02 
  869 515/711   81/100  M4044    131 Jamie Blunden                oakbank         2:07:19  6:03 
  870 516/711   82/100  M4044    247 Shane Cooke                  Winnipeg        2:07:20  6:03 
  871 517/711   78/101  M3539    952 Jay Nickerson                Gimli           2:07:20  6:03 
  872 518/711   79/101  M3539    204 Chris Catellier              St.Andrews      2:07:20  6:03 
  873 519/711   80/101  M3539   1074 Tyler Reynolds               Winnipeg        2:07:21  6:03 
  874 309/762   34/70   F2529    295 Jerilyn Dela Cruz            Winnipeg        2:07:22  6:03 
  875 310/762   15/43   F5054    728 Sandi Lamont                 Winnipeg        2:07:23  6:03 
  876 311/762  105/274  Relay T 2238 2238                         Winnipeg        2:07:27  6:03 
  877 312/762   34/89   F3034   1028 Shannon Pinkowski            Winnipeg        2:07:28  6:03 
  878 313/762   44/99   F4044   1451 Joanne Zoppa                 Starbuck        2:07:30  6:03 
  879 520/711   55/84   M5054    740 Denis Lavallee               Winnipeg        2:07:31  6:03 
  880 521/711   83/100  M4044   1340 John Visser                  Selkirk         2:07:32  6:03 
  881 522/711   84/100  M4044    294 Gordie Dehn                  Winnipeg        2:07:33  6:03 
  882 314/762   16/43   F5054    647 June Kelloway-Tarrant        Dryden          2:07:35  6:03 
  883  46/99   106/274  Relay T 2151 Haklee                       Winnipeg        2:07:39  6:03 
  884  47/99   107/274  Relay T 2303 2303                         Winnipeg        2:07:40  6:03 
  885 315/762   54/119  F3539    318 Carolyn Domytrak             Winnipeg        2:07:40  6:04 
  886 316/762  108/274  Relay T 2072 Sole Sisters                 Sanford         2:07:40  6:04 
  887 317/762   35/89   F3034    649 Jenny Kemp                   Winnipeg        2:07:41  6:04 
  888 318/762   45/99   F4044    307 Jennie Diacos                Winnipeg        2:07:45  6:04 
  889 523/711   94/115  M4549    789 Quentin MacCharles           Winnipeg        2:07:48  6:04 
  890 524/711   15/32   M6064    756 Stevan Leipsic               Winnipeg        2:07:50  6:04 
  891  48/99   109/274  Relay T 2321 Slowpokes                    Winnipeg        2:07:51  6:04 
  892 319/762   35/70   F2529   1303 Jonie Tramer                 Winnipeg        2:07:52  6:04 
  893 525/711   85/100  M4044    512 Marc Hache                   East St. Paul   2:07:56  6:04 
  894 526/711   56/84   M5054   1422 Garth Wintle                 Dryden          2:08:00  6:04 
  895 320/762   17/43   F5054    744 Cecile Leblanc               WPG             2:08:01  6:04 
  896 321/762  110/274  Relay T 2214 Jessie's Girls               Winnipeg        2:08:04  6:05 
  897 322/762   36/89   F3034    237 Pascale Collin               Winnipeg        2:08:07  6:05 
  898 323/762    5/23   F5559    787 Sharon Lundgren              Winnipeg        2:08:08  6:05 
  899 324/762  111/274  Relay T 2297 2297                         Cartier         2:08:12  6:05 
  900 527/711   16/32   M6064    520 Greg Hammond                 Winnipeg        2:08:13  6:05 
  901 528/711  112/274  Relay T 2145 2145                         Winnipeg        2:08:18  6:05 
  902 325/762  113/274  Relay T 2195 My Time                      Winnipeg        2:08:18  6:05 
  903 529/711   95/115  M4549    742 Jeff Lawrence                Winnipeg        2:08:18  6:05 
  904 326/762   54/114  F4549    114 Nancy Bezan                  Roland          2:08:20  6:05 
  905 530/711   62/79   M3034    210 Chris Charney                Winnipeg        2:08:20  6:05 
  906 327/762   46/99   F4044   1004 Glenda Peebles               Winnipeg        2:08:21  6:05 
  907 328/762   55/114  F4549    522 Chrystal Hamori              Winnipeg        2:08:22  6:06 
  908 329/762   37/89   F3034    335 Sara Duncan                  Winnipeg        2:08:28  6:06 
  909 330/762   56/114  F4549    839 Beatrice Mc Clintock         Winnipeg        2:08:28  6:06 
  910 331/762   57/114  F4549   1040 Monique Popp                 Winnipeg        2:08:29  6:06 
  911 531/711   63/79   M3034    620 Trevor Jonasson              Pickle Lake     2:08:32  6:06 
  912 532/711   23/26   M2024   1083 Brett Ritlbauer              Winnipeg        2:08:33  6:06 
  913 533/711   61/78   M2529    317 Lindsay Dojack               Winnipeg        2:08:38  6:06 
  914 332/762   58/114  F4549    651 Deb Kennedy                  Winnipeg        2:08:39  6:06 
  915  49/99   114/274  Relay T 2281 How Much Further?            Winnipeg        2:08:42  6:06 
  916 333/762   38/89   F3034    648 Colleen Kelly-Wardle         Winnipeg        2:08:48  6:07 
  917 534/711   57/84   M5054    568 David Holland                WINNIPEG        2:08:49  6:07 
  918 334/762   36/70   F2529    983 Meghan O'Rourke              Winnipeg        2:08:50  6:07 
  919 335/762   39/89   F3034   1175 Kristy Sharpe                Winnipeg        2:08:50  6:07 
  920 535/711   58/84   M5054    905 Alain Molgat                 Wiinipeg        2:08:52  6:07 
  921 336/762   59/114  F4549    171 Sharon Bruce                 Winnipeg        2:08:52  6:07 
  922 337/762  115/274  Relay T 2037 Sexecutioners                Winnipeg        2:08:56  6:07 
  923 338/762    6/23   F5559    955 Joanne Noga                  Dugald          2:08:58  6:07 
  924 339/762   47/99   F4044    948 Tanis Newsham                Winnipeg        2:09:01  6:07 
  925 340/762   37/70   F2529     24 Sara Alroubaie               Winnipeg        2:09:01  6:07 
  926 341/762   38/70   F2529     61 Brooke Atkinson              Winnipeg        2:09:02  6:07 
  927 342/762  116/274  Relay T 2296 2 A's                        Winnipeg        2:09:02  6:07 
  928 536/711  117/274  Relay T 2270 Team Awesome                 Winnipeg        2:09:03  6:07 
  929 537/711    2/6    M6569     16 Nazir Ahmad                  Winnipeg        2:09:03  6:07 
  930 538/711  118/274  Relay T 2295 D And M                      Winnipeg        2:09:03  6:07 
  931 343/762  119/274  Relay T 2043 Red Hot Mamas                Winnipeg        2:09:05  6:08 
  932 539/711   64/79   M3034    816 Andy Aitken                  Winnipeg        2:09:07  6:08 
  933  50/99   120/274  Relay T 2054 We Be Runnin'                Winnipeg        2:09:09  6:08 
  934 344/762   27/44   F2024    245 Katie Cook                   Winnipeg        2:09:13  6:08 
  935 540/711   18/27   M5559    842 Brent McCannell              WPG             2:09:16  6:08 
  936 541/711  121/274  Relay T 2293 Team Tommy Tumbas            Winnipeg        2:09:17  6:08 
  937 345/762  122/274  Relay T 2298 Almost There                 Winnipeg        2:09:19  6:08 
  938 542/711   65/79   M3034   1317 Brad Unger                   Winnipeg        2:09:28  6:09 
  939 543/711  123/274  Relay T 2098 Raging Bullers               East St. Paul   2:09:28  6:09 
  940 346/762   60/114  F4549   1230 Donnarae Stevenson           Winnipeg        2:09:29  6:09 
  941 347/762   55/119  F3539    837 Michelle Maxwell             Rivers          2:09:30  6:09 
  942 544/711   81/101  M3539    835 Jeff Maxwell                 Rivers          2:09:31  6:09 
  943  51/99   124/274  Relay T 2042 Rance Runners                Sperling        2:09:32  6:09 
  944 348/762   56/119  F3539    762 Kimberly Lesuk               Oakbank         2:09:33  6:09 
  945 349/762    7/23   F5559    146 Gwen Bonneville              Winnipeg        2:09:34  6:09 
  946 350/762   61/114  F4549    870 Florence McLaren             winnipeg        2:09:37  6:09 
  947 545/711   59/84   M5054    586 Eric Hunt                    Winnipeg        2:09:40  6:09 
  948 351/762  125/274  Relay T 2019 Pizzler And The Fizz         Portage la Prai 2:09:41  6:09 
  949 546/711   62/78   M2529    466 Brian Goodman                Winnipeg        2:09:46  6:09 
  950 352/762    9/15   F0119    634 Janna Kaminsky               Winnipeg        2:09:49  6:10 
  951 547/711   82/101  M3539   1398 Scott Wiebe                  Winnipeg        2:09:53  6:10 
  952  52/99   126/274  Relay T 2031 Tigerdove                    Winnipeg        2:09:55  6:10 
  953 548/711   17/32   M6064     95 Jim Becksead                 Winnipeg        2:09:56  6:10 
  954 353/762  127/274  Relay T 2222 2222                         winnipeg        2:09:57  6:10 
  955 549/711  128/274  Relay T 2044 Judy Blues                   Winnipeg        2:10:04  6:10 
  956 354/762   62/114  F4549   1216 Susan Spicer                 Winnipeg        2:10:08  6:10 
  957 355/762   48/99   F4044     20 Sandy Alguire                West St. Paul   2:10:10  6:11 
  958 356/762   40/89   F3034    438 Monika Geglawa               winnipeg        2:10:12  6:11 
  959 550/711   12/15   M0119    354 Curtis Einarson              winnipeg        2:10:16  6:11 
  960 357/762  129/274  Relay T 2196 Increda-Girlz                winnipeg        2:10:16  6:11 
  961 358/762   63/114  F4549    298 Deanna Deniset               Winnipeg        2:10:18  6:11 
  962 551/711   19/27   M5559   1467 Jerry Waldner                St  Agathe      2:10:18  6:11 
  963 359/762   39/70   F2529    843 Melanie McCannell            Winnipeg        2:10:19  6:11 
  964 360/762   18/43   F5054   1255 E. Jane Swintak              Winnipeg        2:10:21  6:11 
  965 361/762  130/274  Relay T 2283 Jp Berard                    Winnipeg        2:10:22  6:11 
  966 552/711   63/78   M2529    545 Adrian Hebert                winnipeg        2:10:22  6:11 
  967 362/762   57/119  F3539    486 Kris Grapentine              Winnipeg        2:10:24  6:11 
  968 553/711   96/115  M4549    814 Brian Mamrocha               Winnipeg        2:10:24  6:11 
  969 363/762   41/89   F3034    890 Sookermany Meredith          Winnipeg        2:10:28  6:11 
  970 364/762   40/70   F2529    256 Lisa Coulter                 WInnipeg        2:10:32  6:12 
  971 365/762   49/99   F4044     17 Suffia Ahmad                 Winnipeg        2:10:35  6:12 
  972 366/762  131/274  Relay T 2041 2041                         Winnipeg        2:10:35  6:12 
  973 554/711   97/115  M4549    699 Erazm Kowalski               Winnipeg        2:10:38  6:12 
  974 367/762   50/99   F4044    803 Christine MacMaster          Winnipeg        2:10:43  6:12 
  975 368/762   42/89   F3034   1355 Bonnie Warkentin             Grunthal        2:10:46  6:12 
  976 555/711   20/27   M5559    356 Robert Elgar                 Winnipeg        2:10:49  6:12 
  977 556/711   86/100  M4044   1065 Ron Reilly                   Winnipeg        2:10:50  6:12 
  978 557/711   87/100  M4044   1342 Grant Wagner                 Winnipeg        2:10:50  6:13 
  979 369/762   64/114  F4549    110 Lisa Bergson                 Winnipeg        2:10:50  6:13 
  980 370/762   58/119  F3539   1350 Jennifer Walkey              Winnipeg        2:10:52  6:13 
  981 371/762  132/274  Relay T 2254 2254                         Winnipeg        2:10:53  6:13 
  982 372/762   59/119  F3539   1221 Robin Stacey                 Winnipeg        2:10:55  6:13 
  983 373/762  133/274  Relay T 2200 2200                         Winnipeg        2:10:56  6:13 
  984 558/711   18/32   M6064   1353 Brian Walters                Winnipeg        2:10:57  6:13 
  985 559/711   60/84   M5054    115 Terry Bialek                 Winnipeg        2:11:01  6:13 
  986 560/711  134/274  Relay T 2063 Ybag M                       Winnipeg        2:11:01  6:13 
  987 561/711   64/78   M2529    854 Rob McCurry                  Winnipeg        2:11:04  6:13 
  988 374/762   41/70   F2529    855 Danna McDonald               Winnipeg        2:11:05  6:13 
  989 562/711   83/101  M3539    968 Jon Olson                    Wpg             2:11:07  6:13 
  990 563/711   98/115  M4549    767 Colin Livingston             Winnipeg        2:11:10  6:13 
  991 375/762  135/274  Relay T 2186 Max & Lisa               Winnipeg        2:11:11  6:13 
  992 564/711   88/100  M4044   1145 James Schimnowski            WINNIPEG        2:11:14  6:14 
  993 376/762   60/119  F3539    575 Miss Viv Horne               Winnipeg        2:11:16  6:14 
  994 565/711   21/27   M5559   1442 William Younger              Winnipeg        2:11:21  6:14 
  995 377/762  136/274  Relay T 2194 Josette & Vaness         Winnipeg        2:11:21  6:14 
  996  53/99   137/274  Relay T 2316 2316                         Dryden          2:11:26  6:14 
  997 566/711   24/26   M2024     50 Charles Carron               Winnipeg        2:11:27  6:14 
  998 378/762  138/274  Relay T 2323 Kim And Lee                  Winnipeg        2:11:30  6:14 
  999 379/762   61/119  F3539   1426 Kate Wood                    Dryden          2:11:30  6:14 
 1000 567/711   61/84   M5054    739 Rod Lauder                   Wnnipeg         2:11:32  6:14 
 1001 380/762   28/44   F2024    328 Brittany Dubyk               Winnipeg        2:11:36  6:15 
 1002 568/711   66/79   M3034    152 Michael Bouliane             Winnipeg        2:11:42  6:15 
 1003 381/762   19/43   F5054    738 Diane Lauder                 Winnipeg        2:11:42  6:15 
 1004 382/762   43/89   F3034     67 Kim Azaransky                West St. Paul   2:11:43  6:15 
 1005 569/711  139/274  Relay T 2154 Forty Something              Winnipeg        2:11:43  6:15 
 1006 570/711   99/115  M4549     32 Grant Anderson               Winnipeg        2:11:47  6:15 
 1007 383/762   65/114  F4549   1207 Colleen Snyder               Keewatin        2:11:49  6:15 
 1008 384/762   10/15   F0119    260 Tyra Cox                     Winnipeg        2:11:50  6:15 
 1009 385/762   51/99   F4044    747 Jennifer Lecuyer             Winnipeg        2:11:54  6:16 
 1010 571/711   65/78   M2529   1339 Martin Vincent               Winnipeg        2:12:02  6:16 
 1011 386/762   44/89   F3034    956 Meghan Nordman               Winnipeg        2:12:04  6:16 
 1012 572/711  100/115  M4549    652 Stan Kennedy                 Winnipeg        2:12:04  6:16 
 1013  54/99   140/274  Relay T 2024 I'M With Her, Again!         Homewood        2:12:09  6:16 
 1014 387/762   52/99   F4044   1295 Lynda Tjaden                 Winnipeg        2:12:10  6:16 
 1015  55/99   141/274  Relay T 2161 2161                         Winnipeg        2:12:12  6:16 
 1016 388/762   29/44   F2024    183 Christa Buscemi              winnipeg        2:12:20  6:17 
 1017 389/762    8/23   F5559   1270 Beth Taylor Greig            Kenora          2:12:21  6:17 
 1018 573/711  101/115  M4549    691 Yuri Korchynski              Winnipeg        2:12:22  6:17 
 1019 574/711   19/32   M6064    682 Garry Kobylak                Winnipeg        2:12:25  6:17 
 1020  56/99   142/274  Relay T 2278 J9 And Sidelicker            Winnipeg        2:12:29  6:17 
 1021  57/99   143/274  Relay T 2312 Steel My Thunder             Winnipeg        2:12:32  6:17 
 1022 390/762  144/274  Relay T 2252 Lightening                   Winnipeg        2:12:36  6:18 
 1023 575/711   20/32   M6064    424 Joe Gallagher                West St Paul    2:12:37  6:18 
 1024 391/762  145/274  Relay T 2027 2027                         Winnipeg        2:12:42  6:18 
 1025 392/762   42/70   F2529    959 Sonya Nuessler               Winnipeg        2:12:44  6:18 
 1026 393/762   45/89   F3034    197 Lyndsey Carroll              Wpg             2:12:47  6:18 
 1027 394/762   20/43   F5054    642 Edwina Keats                 Winnipeg        2:12:47  6:18 
 1028 576/711   22/27   M5559    479 John Graham                  Winnipeg        2:12:49  6:18 
 1029 395/762    9/23   F5559    551 Ray Hesslein                 winnipeg        2:12:50  6:18 
 1030 396/762  146/274  Relay T 2170 See Jen Run                  Winnipeg        2:12:51  6:18 
 1031  58/99   147/274  Relay T 2167 2167                         Winnipeg        2:12:52  6:18 
 1032 577/711   84/101  M3539    154 Derek Boutang                Winnipeg        2:12:55  6:18 
 1033 578/711   62/84   M5054   1007 Jim Penner                   Winnipeg        2:12:56  6:18 
 1034 579/711   63/84   M5054    880 Murray McRae                 Marquette       2:12:59  6:19 
 1035 580/711   21/32   M6064    820 Geoff Martin                 Winnipeg        2:13:00  6:19 
 1036 397/762   66/114  F4549   1053 Connie Ranson                Winnipeg        2:13:01  6:19 
 1037 398/762  148/274  Relay T 2102 Darla And Andi               Winnipeg        2:13:02  6:19 
 1038 399/762  149/274  Relay T 2287 The Chans                    Winnipeg        2:13:02  6:19 
 1039 400/762   30/44   F2024    611 Jessica Johnson              WINNIPEG        2:13:05  6:19 
 1040 401/762   10/23   F5559   1205 Marilyn Smith                Winnipeg        2:13:07  6:19 
 1041 402/762   53/99   F4044    909 Kim Moran                    Wpg.            2:13:08  6:19 
 1042 581/711   64/84   M5054    887 John Melnyk                  Wpg.            2:13:08  6:19 
 1043 403/762   62/119  F3539    725 Christine Lafond             Ile des Chenes  2:13:09  6:19 
 1044 404/762  150/274  Relay T 2240 Team 232                     Starbuck        2:13:10  6:19 
 1045 582/711   65/84   M5054    977 John Outridge                Winnipeg        2:13:10  6:19 
 1046 405/762   21/43   F5054    889 Nicole Mercier               winnipeg        2:13:10  6:19 
 1047 583/711   66/78   M2529     75 Ian Bale                     Winnipeg        2:13:11  6:19 
 1048 406/762   63/119  F3539    194 Krista Carlson               Winnipeg        2:13:11  6:19 
 1049 407/762   64/119  F3539    636 Lisa Kappel                  Winnipeg        2:13:11  6:19 
 1050 584/711   89/100  M4044    635 Des Kappel                   Winnipeg        2:13:12  6:19 
 1051 585/711   66/84   M5054   1268 Dave Taylor                  Headingley      2:13:21  6:20 
 1052 586/711    5/5    M7074   1444 Otto Zacharias               West St Paul    2:13:22  6:20 
 1053 408/762   54/99   F4044    963 Anne Okaley                  Winnipeg        2:13:24  6:20 
 1054 587/711  102/115  M4549   1455 Darryll Zurbyk               Winnipeg        2:13:24  6:20 
 1055  59/99   151/274  Relay T 2290 Peters                       Winnipeg        2:13:26  6:20 
 1056 409/762   43/70   F2529    654 Jasmine Kereluk              steinabch       2:13:28  6:20 
 1057 588/711   90/100  M4044    881 Todd McRae                   Portage la Prai 2:13:29  6:20 
 1058 410/762  152/274  Relay T 2140 2140                         Winnipeg        2:13:29  6:20 
 1059 411/762   44/70   F2529   1246 Alison Supina                Winnipeg        2:13:30  6:20 
 1060 589/711  103/115  M4549   1025 Jozef Piatkowski             Winnipeg        2:13:32  6:20 
 1061 590/711   67/79   M3034     83 Craig Barker                 Winnipeg        2:13:33  6:20 
 1062 591/711   22/32   M6064    605 Jim Jeske                    Yorkton         2:13:34  6:20 
 1063 412/762   67/114  F4549     58 Vicki Asu                    Winnipeg        2:13:34  6:20 
 1064 592/711   23/32   M6064   1338 Chris Vincent                Winnipeg        2:13:36  6:20 
 1065 413/762   68/114  F4549    672 Jayne Kjaldgaard             Stonewall       2:13:40  6:21 
 1066 414/762  153/274  Relay T 2121 T & S                    East St.Paul    2:13:40  6:21 
 1067 415/762   69/114  F4549    181 Linda Burnside               Winnipeg        2:13:40  6:21 
 1068 416/762   70/114  F4549    524 Gayle Stevens                Winnipeg        2:13:45  6:21 
 1069 593/711   67/84   M5054    938 Michael Nayler               Winnipeg        2:13:49  6:21 
 1070 594/711   85/101  M3539   1472 Wesley Penner                Winnipeg        2:13:49  6:21 
 1071 595/711   86/101  M3539     77 Warren Banks                 Winnipeg        2:13:52  6:21 
 1072 417/762   71/114  F4549    422 Wendy Gabel                  Winnipeg        2:13:54  6:21 
 1073 418/762   65/119  F3539   1347 Christa Walkden              Winnipeg        2:13:56  6:21 
 1074 419/762  154/274  Relay T 2091 The Gt Racers                Sanford         2:13:57  6:21 
 1075 420/762  155/274  Relay T 2282 2282                         east st paul    2:14:00  6:22 
 1076 596/711   68/84   M5054    856 Glen McDonald                Wpg             2:14:00  6:22 
 1077 421/762   55/99   F4044   1211 Holly Sommer                 Wpg.            2:14:01  6:22 
 1078 597/711   91/100  M4044    351 Earle Edie                   Winnipeg        2:14:02  6:22 
 1079  60/99   156/274  Relay T 2002 In For Fun                   Selkirk         2:14:02  6:22 
 1080  61/99   157/274  Relay T 2259 Beauty And The Beast         Winnipeg        2:14:04  6:22 
 1081 598/711   92/100  M4044    996 Cam Parliament               Winnipeg        2:14:10  6:22 
 1082 599/711   69/84   M5054    417 Gord Froehlich               Selkirk         2:14:12  6:22 
 1083 600/711   93/100  M4044    565 Gord Hoffmann                WINNIPEG        2:14:13  6:22 
 1084 601/711   94/100  M4044    771 Rudy Loewen                  Winkler         2:14:15  6:22 
 1085 422/762   31/44   F2024    761 Nicole Lester                Winnipeg        2:14:23  6:23 
 1086 423/762  158/274  Relay T 2126 2126                         Winnipeg        2:14:27  6:23 
 1087 602/711  104/115  M4549    187 David Cain                   Keewatin        2:14:27  6:23 
 1088 424/762   22/43   F5054   1138 Sherrie Scarcello            East St. Paul   2:14:27  6:23 
 1089 603/711   67/78   M2529   1003 Scott Paziuk                 Winnipeg        2:14:28  6:23 
 1090 425/762   46/89   F3034    182 Teralee Burton               Winnipeg        2:14:29  6:23 
 1091 426/762   47/89   F3034    162 Colleen Bready               Winnipeg        2:14:31  6:23 
 1092  62/99   159/274  Relay T 2213 C & J                    Winnipeg        2:14:32  6:23 
 1093 604/711   70/84   M5054    280 Will Daley                   Winnipeg        2:14:33  6:23 
 1094  63/99   160/274  Relay T 2095 2095                         Sanford         2:14:33  6:23 
 1095 427/762   48/89   F3034   1066 Christine Reimer             Winnipeg        2:14:35  6:23 
 1096 428/762   66/119  F3539   1397 Rhonda Wiebe                 LORETTE         2:14:44  6:24 
 1097 429/762   56/99   F4044    103 Shannon Benderski            winnipeg        2:14:50  6:24 
 1098 430/762   72/114  F4549   1257 Wendie Swirski               Garson          2:14:52  6:24 
 1099 431/762  161/274  Relay T 2064 Team Mcfreezer               winnipeg        2:14:59  6:24 
 1100 605/711   87/101  M3539    214 Jack Chemerika               Winnipeg        2:15:04  6:25 
 1101 432/762   11/15   F0119   1247 Candace Sutherland           Winnipeg        2:15:07  6:25 
 1102  64/99   162/274  Relay T 2308 2308                         Winnipeg        2:15:12  6:25 
 1103 433/762    3/11   F6064    267 Evelyn Crowe                 kenora          2:15:16  6:25 
 1104 606/711  163/274  Relay T 2176 It'll Hold                   Winnipeg        2:15:18  6:25 
 1105 607/711   88/101  M3539   1289 Mike Farrell                 Borden          2:15:20  6:25 
 1106 434/762    4/11   F6064   1471 Joy Cooper                   Winnipeg        2:15:22  6:25 
 1107 435/762   11/23   F5559    970 Judith Elliott               Winnipeg        2:15:22  6:25 
 1108 436/762   45/70   F2529    460 Kathy Godfrey                Winnipeg        2:15:24  6:25 
 1109  65/99   164/274  Relay T 2131 2131                         winnipeg        2:15:26  6:26 
 1110 608/711  105/115  M4549    709 Joe Krupnik                  Oakbank         2:15:27  6:26 
 1111 437/762   73/114  F4549    343 Brenda Dyck                  Stonewall       2:15:33  6:26 
 1112  66/99   165/274  Relay T 2189 Team Dynamic Electri         Headingley      2:15:33  6:26 
 1113 438/762   46/70   F2529   1343 Janelle Wagner               Winnipeg        2:15:34  6:26 
 1114 439/762   67/119  F3539    589 Kristina Hunter              Winnipeg        2:15:35  6:26 
 1115 440/762  166/274  Relay T 2040 Jenn & Norie             Winnipeg        2:15:35  6:26 
 1116 441/762   12/15   F0119   1027 Jesse Pineau                 Winnipeg        2:15:43  6:26 
 1117 442/762  167/274  Relay T 2012 Team Cupcake                 Kenora          2:15:49  6:27 
 1118 443/762   57/99   F4044    920 Thuy Mui                     Winnipeg        2:15:56  6:27 
 1119  67/99   168/274  Relay T 2309 Team Super Friends -         Winnipeg        2:16:02  6:27 
 1120 444/762  169/274  Relay T 2315 Super Friend's #2            Winnipeg        2:16:03  6:27 
 1121 445/762   58/99   F4044    980 Lisa O'Hara                  Winnipeg        2:16:05  6:27 
 1122 609/711   68/78   M2529   1285 Ryan Thiessen                Winnipeg        2:16:05  6:27 
 1123 446/762   68/119  F3539    193 Mildred Cardinal             Winnipeg        2:16:05  6:27 
 1124  68/99   170/274  Relay T 2325 2325                         Lorette         2:16:06  6:28 
 1125 610/711   69/78   M2529   1460 Rob Cueto                    Winnipeg        2:16:08  6:28 
 1126  69/99   171/274  Relay T 2219 2219                         Winnipeg        2:16:17  6:28 
 1127 447/762   47/70   F2529   1109 Mélanie Roussel              St Pierre Jolys 2:16:17  6:28 
 1128 448/762   59/99   F4044    884 Karen Meelker                Winnipeg        2:16:17  6:28 
 1129 449/762   69/119  F3539   1161 Jackie Schwark               St. Adolphe     2:16:17  6:28 
 1130 450/762   23/43   F5054   1033 Jane Pogson                  Winnipeg        2:16:17  6:28 
 1131 451/762   24/43   F5054    515 Bonnie Hailstone             Selkirk         2:16:18  6:28 
 1132 452/762   60/99   F4044    369 Carmelina Essa               winnipeg        2:16:19  6:28 
 1133 453/762   48/70   F2529   1176 Jamie Shaw                   Calgary         2:16:21  6:28 
 1134 454/762   49/89   F3034    911 Roxanne Moreau               BELLEGARDE      2:16:23  6:28 
 1135 455/762  172/274  Relay T 2025 Arliss And Sharon            Winnipeg        2:16:24  6:28 
 1136 456/762  173/274  Relay T 2137 Viking Motors                ARBORG          2:16:24  6:28 
 1137 457/762   50/89   F3034    316 Christine Doig               Winnipeg        2:16:26  6:28 
 1138 458/762   74/114  F4549    961 Gisele Oberton               St. Eustache    2:16:26  6:28 
 1139 611/711   71/84   M5054   1292 Scott Thomson                Winnipeg        2:16:27  6:28 
 1140 612/711   24/32   M6064   1188 Hubert Hart                  NORWAY HOUSE    2:16:30  6:29 
 1141 459/762    5/11   F6064   1253 Teddi Sweatman               Winnpeg         2:16:31  6:29 
 1142 460/762  174/274  Relay T 2020 The Lasallian Batall         La Salle        2:16:31  6:29 
 1143 461/762  175/274  Relay T 2023 The Lasallian Batall         La Salle        2:16:31  6:29 
 1144 613/711   70/78   M2529    979 Michael O'Brien              Winnipeg        2:16:36  6:29 
 1145 614/711  106/115  M4549    482 Philip Grandmont             Headingley      2:16:41  6:29 
 1146 462/762   61/99   F4044    509 Jennifer Guttormson          Winnipeg        2:16:45  6:29 
 1147  70/99   176/274  Relay T 2301 2301                         Winnipeg        2:16:46  6:29 
 1148 615/711   72/84   M5054    186 Jim Cadieux                  Winnipeg        2:16:49  6:30 
 1149 463/762   51/89   F3034    409 Kim Foxworthy                Winnipeg        2:16:50  6:30 
 1150 616/711  177/274  Relay T 2237 Lawyers On The Run           Winnipeg        2:17:01  6:30 
 1151 464/762   49/70   F2529    847 Susan McClellan              Winnipeg        2:17:03  6:30 
 1152  71/99   178/274  Relay T 2127 2127                         Winnipeg        2:17:19  6:31 
 1153 465/762   62/99   F4044   1162 Jennine Scott                Winnipeg        2:17:20  6:31 
 1154  72/99   179/274  Relay T 2172 Beauty And The Beast         Winnipeg        2:17:22  6:31 
 1155 466/762  180/274  Relay T 2159 B Postive                    Winnipeg        2:17:25  6:31 
 1156 467/762   52/89   F3034    431 Christina Gaudette           landmark        2:17:26  6:31 
 1157 468/762   70/119  F3539    867 Deb McKenzie                 Lasalle         2:17:26  6:31 
 1158 469/762   50/70   F2529    832 Heather Matheson             La Salle        2:17:30  6:31 
 1159 617/711   95/100  M4044   1290 Gordon Thompson              Winnipeg        2:17:31  6:32 
 1160 470/762   71/119  F3539   1031 Agata Ploszanski             WINNIPEG        2:17:33  6:32 
 1161 618/711   23/27   M5559    104 Gerry Bennett                Winnipeg        2:17:36  6:32 
 1162 471/762   72/119  F3539    329 Kristalee Dudek              Winnipeg        2:17:41  6:32 
 1163 472/762  181/274  Relay T 2022 Deux Enseignantes Ca         Winnipeg        2:17:41  6:32 
 1164 619/711   89/101  M3539    564 Jason Hoffman                Winnipeg        2:17:42  6:32 
 1165 473/762  182/274  Relay T 2086 2086                         east st paul    2:17:42  6:32 
 1166 474/762  183/274  Relay T 2097 Kinetic Energy               Winnipeg        2:17:43  6:32 
 1167  73/99   184/274  Relay T 2135 2135                         Portage la Prai 2:17:45  6:32 
 1168 620/711   68/79   M3034    215 Dan Chevrier                 Winnipeg        2:17:45  6:32 
 1169 475/762  185/274  Relay T 2148 Abfab                        Arborg          2:17:46  6:32 
 1170 476/762   63/99   F4044   1035 Michele Polinuk              Selkirk         2:17:48  6:32 
 1171 621/711   73/84   M5054     29 Bill Anderson                Winnipeg        2:17:51  6:32 
 1172 622/711   90/101  M3539   1252 David Swanson                Winnipeg        2:17:52  6:32 
 1173  74/99   186/274  Relay T 2134 2134                         Winnipeg        2:17:52  6:33 
 1174 623/711  107/115  M4549    688 Bruce Kolopenuk              Winnipeg        2:17:56  6:33 
 1175  75/99   187/274  Relay T 2057 Brian And Joyce              Winnipeg        2:17:57  6:33 
 1176 624/711   91/101  M3539   1309 Jeff Solmundson              WINNIPEG        2:17:57  6:33 
 1177 625/711   71/78   M2529    894 Brad Micholson               Winnipeg        2:17:59  6:33 
 1178  76/99   188/274  Relay T 2157 Maya's Rents                 Winnipeg        2:17:59  6:33 
 1179 477/762  189/274  Relay T 2229 2229                         Winnipeg        2:18:02  6:33 
 1180 478/762  190/274  Relay T 2133 2run                         Winnipeg        2:18:06  6:33 
 1181 479/762   53/89   F3034    116 Noreen Bidder                Winnipeg        2:18:12  6:33 
 1182 480/762   75/114  F4549   1405 Jan Williams                 east st paul    2:18:18  6:34 
 1183 481/762   76/114  F4549    872 Eleanore McMahon             Winnipeg        2:18:18  6:34 
 1184 482/762   73/119  F3539    219 Mae Choo-Mah                 Winnipeg        2:18:21  6:34 
 1185 483/762   25/43   F5054    995 Cindy Parker-Rentz           Winnipeg        2:18:28  6:34 
 1186 484/762   77/114  F4549     49 Dena Aplin                   Winnipeg        2:18:31  6:34 
 1187 485/762   54/89   F3034   1393 Angie Whyte                  Winnipeg        2:18:36  6:35 
 1188 626/711   69/79   M3034   1351 Wojciech Walkusz             Ross            2:18:41  6:35 
 1189 486/762  191/274  Relay T 2021 2021                         Winnipeg        2:18:47  6:35 
 1190 487/762   55/89   F3034    161 Sherri Brayshaw-Spencer      Winnipeg        2:18:47  6:35 
 1191 488/762  192/274  Relay T 2146 Roomies                      Winnipeg        2:18:52  6:35 
 1192 489/762   74/119  F3539    334 Alana Duncan                 Winnipeg        2:18:56  6:36 
 1193 627/711   92/101  M3539    275 David Daher                  Winnipeg        2:18:57  6:36 
 1194 490/762  193/274  Relay T 2032 The Lasallian Batall         La Salle        2:19:00  6:36 
 1195 491/762   78/114  F4549    797 Lisa Mackedenski             Erickson        2:19:05  6:36 
 1196 492/762   64/99   F4044   1437 Elsie Yip                    Winnipeg        2:19:08  6:36 
 1197 628/711   70/79   M3034   1133 Stephen Sauer                Winnipeg        2:19:10  6:36 
 1198 493/762   51/70   F2529    780 Jennifer Lowe                Winnipeg        2:19:13  6:36 
 1199 494/762   56/89   F3034    463 Bonnie Goertzen              Winnipeg        2:19:16  6:36 
 1200 495/762   65/99   F4044    826 Kelly Massey                 Winnipeg        2:19:25  6:37 
 1201 496/762   26/43   F5054    314 Lorraine Dodick              WINNIPEG        2:19:26  6:37 
 1202 497/762   79/114  F4549   1193 Janet Slama                  Winnipeg        2:19:26  6:37 
 1203 498/762   80/114  F4549    373 Karen Eyer                   Winnipeg        2:19:26  6:37 
 1204 499/762   57/89   F3034   1403 Julia Wilkins                winnipeg        2:19:28  6:37 
 1205 500/762  194/274  Relay T 2150 Acac                         Winnipeg        2:19:29  6:37 
 1206 501/762  195/274  Relay T 2319 Mantracker's Worst N         Steinbach       2:19:34  6:37 
 1207 502/762   75/119  F3539    491 Karen Greenhill              Lasalle         2:19:59  6:39 
 1208 629/711   25/32   M6064    368 Russell Erskine              Winnipeg        2:19:59  6:39 
 1209 630/711   26/32   M6064    900 Mike Mirus                   Winnipeg        2:19:59  6:39 
 1210 503/762   76/119  F3539    483 Sherri Grandmont             La Salle        2:19:59  6:39 
 1211 504/762   81/114  F4549     78 Linda Bannatyne              Winnipeg        2:20:01  6:39 
 1212 505/762  196/274  Relay T 2143 Ready But Not Willin         Portage la Prai 2:20:07  6:39 
 1213 506/762   66/99   F4044    273 Laurie Cutrone               Winnipeg        2:20:09  6:39 
 1214 507/762   67/99   F4044   1072 Janet Renic                  Winnipeg        2:20:09  6:39 
 1215 631/711   27/32   M6064    255 David Coulter                Landmark        2:20:20  6:40 
 1216 632/711   93/101  M3539   1122 Chris Samels                 Portage la Prai 2:20:23  6:40 
 1217 633/711  197/274  Relay T 2079 2079                         Stonewall       2:20:24  6:40 
 1218 508/762   27/43   F5054    302 Ingrid Desmond               Wpg             2:20:24  6:40 
 1219  77/99   198/274  Relay T 2132 Team D & K                   Winnipeg        2:20:25  6:40 
 1220 509/762  199/274  Relay T 2083 Thelma And Louise            Arborg          2:20:27  6:40 
 1221 510/762   82/114  F4549    626 Sue Joyal                    St. Germain Sou 2:20:37  6:40 
 1222 634/711   74/84   M5054   1278 Gabriel Teterenko            Winnipeg        2:20:37  6:40 
 1223 511/762   77/119  F3539    588 Kathy Hunter                 Howden          2:20:37  6:40 
 1224  78/99   200/274  Relay T 2220 Hurry Hard                   Winnipeg        2:20:38  6:40 
 1225 512/762   58/89   F3034   1334 Beverly Vigar                Otterburne      2:20:41  6:41 
 1226 513/762   32/44   F2024   1396 Michelle Wiebe               Winnipeg        2:20:53  6:41 
 1227  79/99   201/274  Relay T 2117 Faster Than Fast             Winnipeg        2:20:53  6:41 
 1228 514/762   28/43   F5054    902 Dawn Mitchell                stonewall       2:20:56  6:41 
 1229 515/762   12/23   F5559    394 Wendy Fielder                Grosse Isle     2:20:56  6:41 
 1230 516/762   59/89   F3034    836 Lindsay Maxwell              Winnipeg        2:20:57  6:41 
 1231 635/711   96/100  M4044   1308 Ed Trupish                   Winnipeg        2:20:58  6:41 
 1232 517/762   68/99   F4044   1261 Jennifer Tackley             Winnipeg        2:21:00  6:41 
 1233 518/762   33/44   F2024   1337 Ashley Vincent               Winnipeg        2:21:17  6:42 
 1234 636/711   71/79   M3034   1356 Franky Czinege               Winnipeg        2:21:31  6:43 
 1235 519/762   69/99   F4044   1421 Eveleen Winter               Winnipeg        2:21:38  6:43 
 1236 520/762   29/43   F5054    550 Gail Hermanson               Winnipeg        2:21:41  6:43 
 1237 521/762   60/89   F3034    711 Dana Kuhl                    Winnipeg        2:21:46  6:44 
 1238 522/762   61/89   F3034    915 Jayme Moroz                  La Salle        2:21:47  6:44 
 1239  80/99   202/274  Relay T 2136 Running On Empty             Winnipeg        2:21:48  6:44 
 1240 523/762   62/89   F3034    560 Cheryl Hirst                 Winnipeg        2:21:53  6:44 
 1241  81/99   203/274  Relay T 2177 R And S                      Winnipeg        2:21:59  6:44 
 1242 524/762   63/89   F3034   1233 Nicole Stewart               Lorette         2:22:03  6:44 
 1243 525/762    6/11   F6064   1232 Donna Stewart                Piney           2:22:04  6:44 
 1244 637/711   75/84   M5054    436 Brian Gebhardt               Winnipeg        2:22:10  6:45 
 1245  82/99   204/274  Relay T 2113 Bookenders                   Winnipeg        2:22:15  6:45 
 1246 638/711   13/15   M0119    753 Brad Legary                  winnipeg        2:22:21  6:45 
 1247 526/762   70/99   F4044    754 Colleen Legary               winnipeg        2:22:21  6:45 
 1248 527/762   78/119  F3539   1454 Tara Zukewich                Winnipeg        2:22:25  6:45 
 1249 639/711  205/274  Relay T 2273 2273                         Winnipeg        2:22:27  6:46 
 1250 528/762   64/89   F3034   1029 Jocelyn Plante               Winnipeg        2:22:27  6:46 
 1251 529/762   79/119  F3539     23 Leanne Allard                Winnipeg        2:22:28  6:46 
 1252 530/762   83/114  F4549    607 Kelly Johannsen              Winnipeg        2:22:36  6:46 
 1253 531/762   65/89   F3034     22 Charlene Allard              Winnipeg        2:22:36  6:46 
 1254 532/762   84/114  F4549   1054 Petra Rapmund                Winnipeg        2:22:38  6:46 
 1255 533/762   71/99   F4044   1259 Karen Sylvester              Headingley      2:22:41  6:46 
 1256 534/762   72/99   F4044    320 Kathie Doner                 garson          2:22:42  6:46 
 1257 535/762  206/274  Relay T 2190 2190                         Kenora          2:22:47  6:46 
 1258 536/762  207/274  Relay T 2289 2289                         Winnipeg        2:23:01  6:47 
 1259 640/711   24/27   M5559   1360 Tim Warkentine               Winnipeg        2:23:16  6:48 
 1260 537/762   80/119  F3539    879 Kerry McQuarrie Smith        Winnipeg        2:23:16  6:48 
 1261 538/762   13/23   F5559    240 Denise Conan                 Winnipeg        2:23:25  6:48 
 1262 641/711  208/274  Relay T 2000 2000                         Winnipeg        2:23:31  6:49 
 1263 539/762   14/23   F5559    359 Joanne Embree                Winnipeg        2:23:32  6:49 
 1264 540/762   81/119  F3539   1436 Helen Yaworski               West St Paul    2:23:33  6:49 
 1265 642/711   76/84   M5054    345 Gary Dyck                    Stonewall       2:23:34  6:49 
 1266 541/762   34/44   F2024    903 Amber Moffat                 Stonewall       2:23:35  6:49 
 1267 542/762   52/70   F2529   1399 Dana Wiens                   Wpg             2:23:38  6:49 
 1268 543/762   53/70   F2529   1042 Meghan Prouse                Winnipeg        2:23:40  6:49 
 1269 544/762   30/43   F5054   1402 Terry Wiens                  Wpg             2:23:40  6:49 
 1270 545/762  209/274  Relay T 2310 2310                         Winnipeg        2:23:45  6:49 
 1271 546/762   35/44   F2024    200 Caitlyn Cassell              headingley      2:23:51  6:50 
 1272 643/711   72/78   M2529   1170 Mark Semenek                 Winnipeg        2:23:52  6:50 
 1273 644/711  210/274  Relay T 2155 2155                         Winnipeg        2:23:52  6:50 
 1274 547/762   36/44   F2024    201 Kelsea Cassell               headingley      2:23:53  6:50 
 1275 548/762   54/70   F2529    840 Katie McAvoy                 Winnipeg        2:24:09  6:50 
 1276 549/762   85/114  F4549    671 Gwen Kist                    Winnipeg        2:24:19  6:51 
 1277 550/762   73/99   F4044   1287 Jody Thomas                  Winnipeg        2:24:22  6:51 
 1278 551/762   86/114  F4549    195 Robin Carnegie               Winnipeg        2:24:22  6:51 
 1279 552/762   74/99   F4044    664 Barb Killbery                Keewatin        2:24:23  6:51 
 1280 553/762   31/43   F5054    418 Ellen Frovich                Winnipeg        2:24:25  6:51 
 1281 554/762    7/11   F6064    470 Bonnie Gordon                Winnipeg        2:24:27  6:51 
 1282 555/762   55/70   F2529   1041 Rachel Pritchard             Elm Creek       2:24:29  6:51 
 1283  83/99   211/274  Relay T 2018 Super Awesome                Winnipeg        2:24:33  6:52 
 1284 556/762   82/119  F3539    429 Janine Garcea                WEST ST. PAUL   2:24:41  6:52 
 1285 557/762    8/11   F6064    350 Margaret Eccles              Winnipeg        2:24:44  6:52 
 1286 558/762   66/89   F3034    695 Liz Kovach                   Winnipeg        2:24:47  6:52 
 1287 559/762   67/89   F3034    348 Bev Dyer                     Winnipeg        2:24:48  6:52 
 1288 560/762  212/274  Relay T 2162 2162                         Winnipeg        2:24:52  6:52 
 1289 561/762   75/99   F4044    326 Linda Drewe                  Winnipeg        2:24:58  6:53 
 1290 562/762  213/274  Relay T 2033 Zach Trotters                Carman          2:25:01  6:53 
 1291 645/711  108/115  M4549    792 Jamie MacDonald              Winnipeg        2:25:11  6:53 
 1292 563/762   68/89   F3034    766 Denise Little                Winnipeg        2:25:15  6:53 
 1293 564/762  214/274  Relay T 2249 Kapatid                      Winnipeg        2:25:25  6:54 
 1294 565/762  215/274  Relay T 2199 2199                         Winnipeg        2:25:31  6:54 
 1295 646/711   28/32   M6064    809 Henri Major                  Winnipeg        2:25:34  6:54 
 1296 647/711   25/26   M2024    423 Mark Gagic                   Winnipeg        2:25:35  6:54 
 1297 648/711   26/26   M2024    536 Zachary Harrison             Winnipeg        2:25:39  6:55 
 1298 566/762    9/11   F6064    480 Marg Graham                  Winnipeg        2:25:50  6:55 
 1299 649/711   73/78   M2529    927 Evan Murray                  Winnipeg        2:25:52  6:55 
 1300 650/711   74/78   M2529    261 Matthew Craig                Winnipeg        2:25:53  6:55 
 1301 567/762   76/99   F4044   1167 Kristin Sehn                 Edmonton        2:26:00  6:56 
 1302 651/711   72/79   M3034    241 Doss Conley                  Winnipeg        2:26:02  6:56 
 1303 652/711  216/274  Relay T 2034 Run By Day                   La Salle        2:26:03  6:56 
 1304  84/99   217/274  Relay T 2077 Pevy Burners                 Winnipeg        2:26:07  6:56 
 1305 568/762  218/274  Relay T 2090 2090                         Winnipeg        2:26:08  6:56 
 1306 653/711   73/79   M3034   1244 Ryan Summerton               winnipeg        2:26:18  6:56 
 1307 569/762   69/89   F3034    282 Ann Dandeneau                Dauphin         2:26:27  6:57 
 1308 654/711  219/274  Relay T 2250 Thunder And Lightnin         winnipeg        2:26:36  6:57 
 1309 570/762   37/44   F2024   1250 Melissa Sutherland           Winnipeg        2:26:36  6:57 
 1310 655/711    3/6    M6569    290 Lucien Debreuil              Winnipeg        2:26:50  6:58 
 1311 656/711   77/84   M5054   1283 Andre Theriault              Niverville      2:27:02  6:59 
 1312 657/711   75/78   M2529    439 Blair Gibson                 Treherne        2:27:12  6:59 
 1313 571/762   56/70   F2529    184 Claire Button                Winnipeg        2:27:13  6:59 
 1314 572/762   57/70   F2529    464 Julie Goertzen               Winnipeg        2:27:18  6:59 
 1315 573/762   77/99   F4044    658 Joyce Kerr                   Winnipeg        2:27:22  7:00 
 1316 658/711   78/84   M5054     51 Cliff Arlt                   East St. Paul   2:27:23  7:00 
 1317 659/711   29/32   M6064    608 Dave Johannson               Winnipeg        2:27:25  7:00 
 1318 660/711   74/79   M3034    577 Bradley Houghton             Winnipeg        2:27:33  7:00 
 1319 661/711   94/101  M3539    622 Steve Jones                  Warren          2:27:36  7:00 
 1320 574/762   87/114  F4549    760 Karen Leslie                 Winnipeg        2:27:42  7:00 
 1321 662/711   79/84   M5054   1191 Bob Sitter                   Winnipeg        2:27:47  7:01 
 1322 575/762   10/11   F6064    185 Pat Button                   Winnipeg        2:27:53  7:01 
 1323 576/762   78/99   F4044    718 Cindy Labaty                 Winnipeg        2:27:58  7:01 
 1324 577/762   32/43   F5054   1367 Rosemary Wavinya             Winnipeg        2:28:00  7:01 
 1325 578/762   13/15   F0119    437 Sheena Gee                   Winnipeg        2:28:06  7:02 
 1326 579/762   58/70   F2529     46 Sarah Ansine                 Flin Flon       2:28:08  7:02 
 1327 580/762   83/119  F3539   1361 Irene Wasilewski             Winnipeg        2:28:08  7:02 
 1328 581/762   38/44   F2024     74 Francine Balcaen             Winnipeg        2:28:18  7:02 
 1329 582/762   39/44   F2024   1281 Sylvie Tetrault              Winnipeg        2:28:19  7:02 
 1330 583/762   59/70   F2529    405 Lisa Fostey                  Winnipeg        2:28:31  7:03 
 1331 584/762   40/44   F2024    404 Laura Fostey                 Winnipeg        2:28:32  7:03 
 1332 585/762   79/99   F4044   1125 Cathy Samyn                  WINNIPEG        2:28:36  7:03 
 1333 586/762   84/119  F3539   1080 Penny Riffel                 winnipeg        2:28:37  7:03 
 1334 587/762   70/89   F3034   1307 Jacqueline Trimble           Lorette         2:28:39  7:03 
 1335 588/762   60/70   F2529    613 Karen Johnson                Winnipeg        2:28:44  7:03 
 1336 663/711  109/115  M4549   1111 Vern Tessier                 Gimli           2:28:48  7:04 
 1337 589/762   80/99   F4044    783 Sarah Lugtig                 Winnipeg        2:28:49  7:04 
 1338 590/762   71/89   F3034    877 Tara McNaughton              winnipeg        2:28:51  7:04 
 1339 591/762  220/274  Relay T 2267 Team Awesome                 Winnipeg        2:28:53  7:04 
 1340 664/711   95/101  M3539   1459 James Ham                    Winnipeg        2:29:15  7:05 
 1341 592/762  221/274  Relay T 2049 2049                         Winnipeg        2:29:23  7:05 
 1342  85/99   222/274  Relay T 2088 Team Rico & Kowa         Winnipeg        2:29:24  7:05 
 1343  86/99   223/274  Relay T 2144 Two Runners, One Cup         Winnipeg        2:29:27  7:05 
 1344 665/711   97/100  M4044     53 Ron Arnason                  Winnipeg        2:29:29  7:06 
 1345 593/762  224/274  Relay T 2277 Moms In Motion               Winnipeg        2:29:29  7:06 
 1346 594/762   61/70   F2529    528 Janelle Hapke                Winnipeg        2:29:30  7:06 
 1347 666/711   14/15   M0119    659 Randy Kezie                  Winnipeg        2:29:34  7:06 
 1348 667/711   80/84   M5054   1401 Les Wiens                    Wpg             2:29:35  7:06 
 1349 595/762   33/43   F5054    239 Veronica Colvin              Wpg             2:29:49  7:06 
 1350 596/762   88/114  F4549    615 Sandra Johnson               Winnipeg        2:29:52  7:07 
 1351  87/99   225/274  Relay T 2103 Team Rk                      Winnipeg        2:29:53  7:07 
 1352 597/762   81/99   F4044    401 Laura Forrest                Winnipeg        2:29:58  7:07 
 1353 668/711   30/32   M6064     28 Phil Anciro                  Winnipeg        2:30:11  7:08 
 1354 598/762   85/119  F3539    321 Donna Donnelly               Winnipeg        2:30:20  7:08 
 1355  88/99   226/274  Relay T 2016 Team Antymis                 Winnipeg        2:30:38  7:09 
 1356 599/762  227/274  Relay T 2164 Gunshow                      Winnipeg        2:30:59  7:10 
 1357 600/762   86/119  F3539    932 Nadina Kotz                  LA SALLE        2:31:00  7:10 
 1358 601/762   62/70   F2529   1034 Amber Pohl                   Winnipeg        2:31:16  7:11 
 1359 669/711  228/274  Relay T 2118 Fast                         Winnipeg        2:31:18  7:11 
 1360 602/762   87/119  F3539    962 Allison Odaguchi-Mccormick   Winnipeg        2:31:19  7:11 
 1361 603/762  229/274  Relay T 2092 2092                         Winnipeg        2:31:21  7:11 
 1362 604/762  230/274  Relay T 2093 2093                         Oak Bluff       2:31:21  7:11 
 1363 670/711  231/274  Relay T 2239 Wildcats                     Wiinipeg        2:31:23  7:11 
 1364 605/762   89/114  F4549    638 Pauline Karsin               Elie            2:31:27  7:11 
 1365 606/762   90/114  F4549    729 Debbie Lamont-Dreger         Winnipeg        2:31:29  7:11 
 1366 607/762   72/89   F3034    163 Johanna Brierley             Winnipeg        2:31:35  7:11 
 1367  89/99   232/274  Relay T 2056 Mnp Team Awsomme             Winnipeg        2:31:35  7:12 
 1368 671/711   98/100  M4044    851 Ray McCoy                    Winnipeg        2:31:35  7:12 
 1369 672/711   96/101  M3539    849 Thomas McCormick             Winnipeg        2:31:36  7:12 
 1370  90/99   233/274  Relay T 2114 Old Men Rule                 Winnipeg        2:31:39  7:12 
 1371 608/762   63/70   F2529   1280 Danielle Tétrault            Winnipeg        2:31:44  7:12 
 1372 609/762   91/114  F4549   1030 Joyce Plante                 winnipeg        2:31:45  7:12 
 1373 610/762   73/89   F3034   1085 Dani Rivalin                 Winnipeg        2:31:46  7:12 
 1374 611/762  234/274  Relay T 2094 Heart Throbs 1               Winnipeg        2:31:47  7:12 
 1375 612/762   82/99   F4044    420 Gina Fulawka                 Winnipeg        2:31:47  7:12 
 1376 613/762  235/274  Relay T 2071 Kitty Kat                    Winnipeg        2:31:56  7:13 
 1377 614/762   92/114  F4549    492 Tracy Gregory                Oakbank         2:32:04  7:13 
 1378 615/762   88/119  F3539   1432 Wendy Woycheshen             Selkirk         2:32:06  7:13 
 1379 616/762   83/99   F4044   1113 Michelle Ruiter              Winnipeg        2:32:22  7:14 
 1380 673/711  236/274  Relay T 2224 The Crazy Ones               winnipeg        2:32:25  7:14 
 1381 674/711   97/101  M3539   1130 Maximino Santiago            WINNIPEG        2:32:37  7:14 
 1382 617/762   89/119  F3539    353 Brenda Edwards               Starbuck        2:32:39  7:15 
 1383 618/762   74/89   F3034    990 Jane Pangan                  Winnipeg        2:32:53  7:15 
 1384 619/762   75/89   F3034    973 Kim Osato                    Winnipeg        2:32:53  7:15 
 1385 620/762   76/89   F3034    310 Laurie Dixon                 Starbuck        2:32:57  7:15 
 1386 621/762  237/274  Relay T 2141 Sexy Gurls                   Winnipeg        2:33:05  7:16 
 1387 622/762   84/99   F4044   1011 Ana Pereira                  thompson        2:33:09  7:16 
 1388 623/762   90/119  F3539    941 Jennefer Nepinak             Winnipeg        2:33:17  7:16 
 1389 624/762  238/274  Relay T 2089 Heart Throbs 2               Winnipeg        2:33:24  7:17 
 1390 625/762   93/114  F4549    135 Michelle Boast               Winnipeg        2:33:27  7:17 
 1391 626/762   91/119  F3539    924 Rachel Munday                winnipeg        2:33:28  7:17 
 1392 627/762   92/119  F3539    953 Nicole Nicol                 Winnipeg        2:33:28  7:17 
 1393 628/762   94/114  F4549    875 Diana McMillan               Winnipeg        2:33:32  7:17 
 1394 629/762   14/15   F0119    132 Laura Blunden                Winnipeg        2:33:32  7:17 
 1395 675/711   75/79   M3034    207 Olei Chankamany              winnipeg        2:33:34  7:17 
 1396 676/711   98/101  M3539    149 John Borrowman               Winnipeg        2:33:35  7:17 
 1397 630/762   77/89   F3034   1296 Kimberley Tkachuk            Winnipeg        2:33:37  7:17 
 1398  91/99   239/274  Relay T 2166 2166                         Winnipeg        2:33:39  7:17 
 1399 631/762   85/99   F4044    673 Linda Klaric                 Winnipeg        2:33:42  7:18 
 1400 632/762   15/23   F5559    619 Faye Jonasson                Sioux Lookout   2:33:47  7:18 
 1401 633/762  240/274  Relay T 2110 Alley Cats                   Winnipeg        2:33:54  7:18 
 1402 634/762   78/89   F3034    637 Stacie Karlowsky             Winnipeg        2:33:54  7:18 
 1403  92/99   241/274  Relay T 2059 Team Crozier                 Winnipeg        2:33:56  7:18 
 1404 635/762  242/274  Relay T 2058 2far2go                      Winnipeg        2:34:03  7:19 
 1405 636/762   86/99   F4044    960 Tina Oberg                   Dryden          2:34:12  7:19 
 1406 637/762   87/99   F4044    198 Donna-Rae Carter             Dryden          2:34:12  7:19 
 1407 638/762   93/119  F3539    372 Charlene Everett             Dryden          2:34:12  7:19 
 1408 677/711   25/27   M5559     38 Ted Swain                    Winnipeg        2:34:49  7:21 
 1409 678/711  110/115  M4549    940 Marty Nelson                 Kenora          2:34:55  7:21 
 1410 639/762   34/43   F5054   1306 Louise Tresoor               Kenora          2:34:55  7:21 
 1411 640/762   94/119  F3539    443 Angelene Giesbrecht          Winnipeg        2:34:57  7:21 
 1412 641/762   16/23   F5559   1183 Diane Shoemaker              Winnipeg        2:34:58  7:21 
 1413 679/711   76/79   M3034    366 Arthur Erhardt               Winnipeg        2:35:14  7:22 
 1414 642/762   35/43   F5054    785 Alison Lund                  Winnipeg        2:35:16  7:22 
 1415 643/762   95/114  F4549     30 Gail Anderson                winnipeg        2:35:30  7:23 
 1416 680/711   99/101  M3539    571 Kelly Holmes                 Winnipeg        2:35:34  7:23 
 1417 644/762   95/119  F3539    272 Nettie Cuthbert-Buchanan     Winnipeg        2:35:41  7:23 
 1418 681/711   77/79   M3034    461 Kevin Godin                  Winnipeg        2:35:43  7:23 
 1419 682/711   81/84   M5054    828 Brian Mather                 Winnipeg        2:36:04  7:24 
 1420 645/762  243/274  Relay T 2106 Lemondrops 2                 Winnipeg        2:36:14  7:25 
 1421 683/711  111/115  M4549   1101 Mark Rootes                  Winnipeg        2:36:19  7:25 
 1422 646/762  244/274  Relay T 2139 Red Rummm                    Winnipeg        2:36:20  7:25 
 1423 647/762   96/114  F4549   1238 Mona Stott                   Niverville      2:36:22  7:25 
 1424 648/762   96/119  F3539   1456 Jodie Zurbyk                 Winnipeg        2:36:22  7:25 
 1425 649/762  245/274  Relay T 2291 Summary & Indict         Winnipeg        2:36:27  7:25 
 1426 650/762  246/274  Relay T 2302 Passler Girls                Winnipeg        2:36:31  7:26 
 1427 651/762   64/70   F2529    958 Kelsey Nowosad               Winnipeg        2:36:44  7:26 
 1428 652/762   97/114  F4549   1168 Carol Selin                  Winnipeg        2:36:46  7:26 
 1429 653/762   79/89   F3034    543 Marla Head                   Winnipeg        2:36:56  7:27 
 1430 684/711   82/84   M5054    541 Brian Hayward                East St Paul    2:37:06  7:27 
 1431 654/762   98/114  F4549   1136 Karen Sawatzky               Winnipeg        2:37:11  7:27 
 1432  93/99   247/274  Relay T 2015 Team Jazz                    Winnipeg        2:37:21  7:28 
 1433 685/711  248/274  Relay T 2255 Team Snarr                   winnipeg        2:37:32  7:28 
 1434 655/762  249/274  Relay T 2280 The Hauri Sisters            Winnipeg        2:37:40  7:29 
 1435 656/762   88/99   F4044   1314 Jodi Tweed                   Ile des Chenes  2:37:41  7:29 
 1436 657/762   89/99   F4044    446 Tara Gill                    wpg             2:37:41  7:29 
 1437 686/711   76/78   M2529    583 Will Huggard                 Winnipeg        2:37:47  7:29 
 1438 658/762   99/114  F4549     65 Karen Austman                Winnipeg        2:37:51  7:29 
 1439 659/762   97/119  F3539    685 Theresa Kocis                Winnipeg        2:38:18  7:31 
 1440 660/762  250/274  Relay T 2169 2169                         Winnipeg        2:38:28  7:31 
 1441 661/762   90/99   F4044    342 Melissa Dvorak               Winnipeg        2:39:13  7:33 
 1442 662/762   98/119  F3539   1410 Robin Williston              Winnipeg        2:39:20  7:34 
 1443 663/762  251/274  Relay T 2138 The Duckies                  East St. Paul   2:39:42  7:35 
 1444 664/762  252/274  Relay T 2202 2202                         Winnipeg        2:39:49  7:35 
 1445  94/99   253/274  Relay T 2011 Running On Empty Wai         winnipeg        2:40:08  7:36 
 1446 665/762   91/99   F4044   1431 Sue Wowchuk                  La Salle        2:40:15  7:36 
 1447 666/762   80/89   F3034   1420 Joanne Winsor                Dugald          2:40:16  7:36 
 1448 667/762   99/119  F3539   1201 Jennifer Smith               Winnipeg        2:40:25  7:37 
 1449 668/762  254/274  Relay T 2006 Cpc Girls                    Winnipeg        2:40:38  7:37 
 1450  95/99   255/274  Relay T 2142 Manikel 2 Times              Winnipeg        2:40:39  7:37 
 1451 687/711   83/84   M5054     86 Gordon Bates                 Winnipeg        2:40:49  7:38 
 1452 688/711  112/115  M4549   1055 Clyde Raven                  Winnipeg        2:40:59  7:38 
 1453 669/762  256/274  Relay T 2109 Team Quail                   Wiinipeg        2:41:08  7:39 
 1454 670/762  100/119  F3539    631 Lori Kalyniuk                Oakbank         2:41:10  7:39 
 1455 671/762   92/99   F4044    606 Bonnie Jette                 oakbank         2:41:13  7:39 
 1456 672/762   17/23   F5559    788 Sharron Lyzun                West Vancouver  2:41:13  7:39 
 1457 673/762  100/114  F4549    918 Deborah Motz-Sandor          Winnipeg        2:41:13  7:39 
 1458 674/762   93/99   F4044    937 Shelley Nault                stonewall       2:41:13  7:39 
 1459 675/762  101/119  F3539    489 Kerri-Lynn Greeley           Winnipeg        2:41:34  7:40 
 1460 676/762  102/119  F3539    690 Patty Korchinski             flin flon       2:41:53  7:41 
 1461 677/762  103/119  F3539   1185 Sherry Sigurdur              Winnipeg        2:41:55  7:41 
 1462 678/762  104/119  F3539   1408 Tanya Willim                 winnipeg        2:42:36  7:43 
 1463 689/711   84/84   M5054   1407 Neil Willim                  winnipeg        2:42:36  7:43 
 1464 679/762   15/15   F0119    593 Raeanne Jacobson             Winnipeg        2:42:48  7:43 
 1465 680/762  105/119  F3539   1450 Sandra Ann Zinchuk           winnipeg        2:43:23  7:45 
 1466 681/762   94/99   F4044   1095 Sue Roche                    WINNIPEG        2:43:38  7:46 
 1467 682/762  101/114  F4549    986 Carla Palidwor               Dugald          2:43:38  7:46 
 1468 690/711  113/115  M4549   1165 Tom Scott                    Winnipeg        2:44:02  7:47 
 1469 683/762  102/114  F4549   1163 Sandra Scott                 Winnipeg        2:44:03  7:47 
 1470 684/762   18/23   F5559   1187 Zoe Simkin                   Keewatin        2:44:21  7:48 
 1471 685/762   65/70   F2529    411 Laura Frank                  Winnipeg        2:44:37  7:49 
 1472 686/762   36/43   F5054   1057 Shirley Rayner               Winnipeg        2:44:47  7:49 
 1473 687/762    1/1    F7074   1394 Marilyn Whyte                Winnipeg        2:44:47  7:49 
 1474 688/762  103/114  F4549    698 Anna Marie Kowalski          Winnipeg        2:45:03  7:50 
 1475 691/711   78/79   M3034   1144 Owen Preston                 Winnipeg        2:45:08  7:50 
 1476 689/762  257/274  Relay T 2053 Lemondrops                   Winnipeg        2:45:10  7:50 
 1477 690/762   11/11   F6064    159 Margaret Boyechko            Winnipeg        2:45:30  7:51 
 1478 691/762  258/274  Relay T 2008 Red Hippo                    Winnipeg        2:45:33  7:51 
 1479 692/711  114/115  M4549    893 Kevin Michayluk              Winnipeg        2:46:21  7:53 
 1480 692/762   95/99   F4044    666 Robyn King                   Winnipeg        2:46:24  7:54 
 1481 693/762  106/119  F3539    304 Tanis Desrochers             St. Francois Xa 2:46:27  7:54 
 1482 694/762   96/99   F4044    379 Jody Piper                   Cartier         2:46:29  7:54 
 1483 695/762  104/114  F4549    387 Britney Fears                Winnipeg        2:46:30  7:54 
 1484 696/762  107/119  F3539    992 Jacqueline Paquette          WINNIPEG        2:47:10  7:56 
 1485 693/711  100/101  M3539   1288 Mark Thomas                  Winnipeg        2:48:25  7:59 
 1486 697/762  108/119  F3539     88 Kathy Batiuk                 Winnipeg        2:48:29  8:00 
 1487 698/762   81/89   F3034    994 Kirsten Parker               Winnipeg        2:48:43  8:00 
 1488 699/762   82/89   F3034     54 Amanda Asher                 winnipeg        2:48:59  8:01 
 1489 694/711  101/101  M3539     55 Korey Asher                  Brandon         2:48:59  8:01 
 1490 700/762   97/99   F4044    421 Sarah Funk                   Ile Des Chenes  2:49:30  8:02 
 1491 701/762   83/89   F3034    497 Kari Griffin                 Regina          2:49:34  8:03 
 1492 702/762  109/119  F3539   1100 Sandi Rommel                 Winnipeg        2:49:36  8:03 
 1493 703/762   84/89   F3034   1262 Nichole Tao                  Winnipeg        2:49:47  8:03 
 1494 704/762  105/114  F4549    380 Susan Fardoe                 Winnipge        2:49:47  8:03 
 1495 695/711   15/15   M0119    784 Dylan Luke                   Winnipeg        2:49:54  8:04 
 1496 705/762   66/70   F2529    377 Pamela Falk                  Winnipeg        2:50:06  8:04 
 1497 706/762  106/114  F4549   1118 Karen Sadler                 Winnipeg        2:50:59  8:07 
 1498 707/762   19/23   F5559     35 Mary Anderson                Winnipeg        2:51:10  8:07 
 1499 708/762  107/114  F4549   1121 Josephine Sallis             Winnipeg        2:51:21  8:08 
 1500 709/762  110/119  F3539    449 Shannon Gillich              Winnipeg        2:52:48  8:12 
 1501 696/711   99/100  M4044    448 Daniel Gillich               Winnipeg        2:52:48  8:12 
 1502 697/711   79/79   M3034    413 Wood Fred                    Winnipeg        2:53:03  8:13 
 1503 710/762   85/89   F3034    367 Maegan Ernst                 Winnipeg        2:53:06  8:13 
 1504 711/762  111/119  F3539    759 Susan Leonard                Winnipeg        2:54:19  8:16 
 1505 698/711    4/6    M6569   1000 Robert Paulet                Oak Lake        2:54:32  8:17 
 1506 712/762   67/70   F2529    270 Ginette Currell              Winnipeg        2:54:43  8:17 
 1507 713/762   86/89   F3034    581 Jennifer Hryb                Gimli           2:54:54  8:18 
 1508 714/762  108/114  F4549    614 Pauline Johnson              Winnipeg        2:55:03  8:18 
 1509 715/762   37/43   F5054    386 Linda Fast                   Garson          2:55:20  8:19 
 1510 716/762   20/23   F5559    123 Veronica Black               GARSON          2:55:22  8:19 
 1511 717/762  259/274  Relay T 2203 Still Prancing               Winnipeg        2:55:35  8:20 
 1512 718/762  260/274  Relay T 2288 Soul Sisters                 Winnipeg        2:56:14  8:22 
 1513 719/762  261/274  Relay T 2029 Wps-Women In Motion          Winnipeg        2:56:46  8:23 
 1514 720/762  262/274  Relay T 2028 Wps-Women In Motion          Winnipeg        2:56:48  8:23 
 1515 721/762   68/70   F2529     57 Heather Steele               Winnipeg        2:56:58  8:24 
 1516 699/711    5/6    M6569    561 Albert Hochbaum              Ashern          2:57:01  8:24 
 1517  96/99   263/274  Relay T 2082 Bel_aes#2                    Winnipeg        2:57:18  8:25 
 1518 722/762  264/274  Relay T 2081 Bel-Aes-#1                   Winnipeg        2:57:18  8:25 
 1519 723/762  109/114  F4549    768 Verna Livingstone            Winnipeg        2:58:04  8:27 
 1520 724/762   38/43   F5054   1388 Denalda Whitehill            Winnipeg        2:58:05  8:27 
 1521 725/762   21/23   F5559    829 Wanda Mathers                Brunkild        2:59:27  8:31 
 1522 726/762   87/89   F3034    248 Laurel Copeland              Winnipeg        2:59:29  8:31 
 1523 727/762  110/114  F4549     14 Louanne Adams                Winnipeg        2:59:40  8:31 
 1524 728/762  112/119  F3539    306 Shannon Dewey                Winnipeg        2:59:41  8:31 
 1525 729/762  113/119  F3539    572 Tara Knight                  Winnipeg        3:01:18  8:36 
 1526  97/99   265/274  Relay T 2233 The Spice Of Life            East St Paul    3:03:39  8:43 
 1527 730/762   39/43   F5054   1291 Heather Thomson              Winnipeg        3:03:54  8:43 
 1528 700/711  266/274  Relay T 2269 Team Cardiac Arrest          Winnipeg        3:05:31  8:48 
 1529 701/711   77/78   M2529    741 Jordan Lavallee              Winnipeg        3:06:18  8:50 
 1530 731/762  114/119  F3539   1417 Juanita Wilson               East St Paul    3:06:29  8:51 
 1531 732/762  267/274  Relay T 2123 2123                         Winnipeg        3:06:42  8:51 
 1532 733/762   88/89   F3034    912 Tracy Morgan                 Winnipeg        3:07:00  8:52 
 1533 734/762  268/274  Relay T 2067 La Lazers                    Winnipeg        3:08:02  8:55 
 1534 702/711   78/78   M2529   1069 Justin Remillard             Winnipeg        3:09:33  8:59 
 1535 735/762   41/44   F2024    484 Brooke Grandpre              Winnipeg        3:09:34  9:00 
 1536 736/762  115/119  F3539   1119 Karen Sagurski               Winnipeg        3:10:09  9:01 
 1537 737/762  116/119  F3539    790 Dale MacDonald               Winnipeg        3:10:10  9:01 
 1538 703/711   31/32   M6064   1089 Herb Robertson               Winnipeg        3:10:23  9:02 
 1539 738/762   69/70   F2529    798 Ashley MacKenzie             Winnipeg        3:11:50  9:06 
 1540 739/762   42/44   F2024     80 Myriam Bara                  Winnipeg        3:12:35  9:08 
 1541 740/762  269/274  Relay T 2256 Team Virgin                  Matlock         3:12:35  9:08 
 1542 741/762   40/43   F5054     79 Maureen Bara                 Winnipeg        3:12:36  9:08 
 1543 704/711    6/6    M6569    233 Ron Coley                    Gimli           3:12:43  9:09 
 1544 705/711  100/100  M4044    656 Bill Kerr                    Winnipeg        3:12:45  9:09 
 1545 742/762  111/114  F4549    657 Gerry Kerr                   Winnipeg        3:12:46  9:09 
 1546 743/762  117/119  F3539   1428 Shelly Woods                 Winnipeg        3:12:53  9:09 
 1547 744/762   98/99   F4044   1449 Paula Zimrose                Winnipeg        3:12:55  9:09 
 1548 706/711  270/274  Relay T 2181 Blom                         Winnipeg        3:13:04  9:09 
 1549 745/762   41/43   F5054    668 Janet Kinley                 Portage la Prai 3:15:33  9:17 
 1550 746/762   42/43   F5054   1324 Leona Vandale                Winnipeg        3:20:36  9:31 
 1551 707/711   26/27   M5559   1325 Paul Vandale                 Winnipeg        3:21:34  9:34 
 1552 747/762   70/70   F2529    142 Grace Bonaobra-Lozano        Winnipeg        3:22:01  9:35 
 1553 708/711   27/27   M5559    582 Robert Hudson                Winnipeg        3:25:01  9:43 
 1554  98/99   271/274  Relay T 2009 2009                         Winnipeg        3:25:02  9:43 
 1555 748/762  112/114  F4549    362 Heather Emslie               Winnipeg        3:25:28  9:45 
 1556 749/762   99/99   F4044    850 Karen McCowan                Grosse Isle     3:25:28  9:45 
 1557 750/762   43/44   F2024   1064 Cailin Rehill                Winnipeg        3:25:51  9:46 
 1558 751/762   22/23   F5559   1215 Mary Lou Spangelo            Winnipeg        3:25:52  9:46 
 1559 752/762  113/114  F4549   1063 Bev Rehill                   East St. Paul   3:25:53  9:46 
 1560 753/762   23/23   F5559    514 Wendy Hague                  Winnipeg        3:25:57  9:46 
 1561 754/762  272/274  Relay T 2085 Gurl One And Two             Winnipeg        3:28:15  9:53 
 1562 755/762   44/44   F2024   1149 Brenda Schipper              Winnipeg        3:29:42  9:57 
 1563  99/99   273/274  Relay T 2069 The Odd Couple               winnipeg        3:29:48  9:57 
 1564 756/762  114/114  F4549   1315 Deb Tycholiz                 Winnipeg        3:31:50 10:03 
 1565 757/762    1/1    F6569   1124 Lynne Samuel                 Winnipeg        3:34:29 10:10 
 1566 758/762  274/274  Relay T 2149 Women Of Worth               Winnipeg        3:34:30 10:10 
 1567 759/762   89/89   F3034     59 Sheri Atchison               Warren          3:36:15 10:15 
 1568 760/762  118/119  F3539    160 Anne Boyko                   East Selkirk    3:36:16 10:15 
 1569 761/762  119/119  F3539    296 Fatima Demelo                Winnipeg        3:36:27 10:16 
 1570 762/762   43/43   F5054    930 Patricia Myketa              WINNIPEG        3:38:37 10:22 
 1571 709/711   32/32   M6064    627 Ed Kaczir                    winnipeg        4:14:50 12:05 
 1572 710/711    1/1    M80+      90 Robert Beatson               Winnipeg        4:40:27 13:18 
 1573 711/711  115/115  M4549     12 Eric Carr                    Winnipeg